View Full Version : Visually direct to .....

24th Sep 2007, 21:04
Hi all,

I would like to ask you what you do when pilot after departure, following a SID, requiesting visually direct to.....? It is daylight, VIS>5 km, Ceiling above MVA. If you find it somewhere in ICAO regulations, please tell me where. If you have national regulations, tell me what you have.

Best regards,


25th Sep 2007, 02:21
Do your work at an radar approach office or at a visual control tower? Do you have minimun radar altitud charts?



25th Sep 2007, 20:07

I am working in the Approach unit, radar service. Of course we have MVA specified for any sector.
Why do you ask for that. They ask for direkt to .....VISUALLY from APS/RAD unit ( me).



26th Sep 2007, 05:11
This is from ICAO doc 7030:

5.1 Conditions of application

5.1.1 A visual departure is a departure by an IFR-flight when either part or all of an instrument departure procedure (eg.standard instrument departure (SID)) is not completed and the departure is executed in visual reference to terrain.

5.1.2 An IFR-flight may be cleared to execute a visual departure upon request of the
pilot or if initiated by the controller and accepted by the pilot.

5.1.3 To execute a visual departure,the aircraft take-off performance characteristics shall allow them to make an early turn after take-off. When implemented,visual departure shall be applied under the following conditions:

a) The meteorological conditions in the direction of take-off and the following climb-out shall not impair the procedure up to an altitude to be established and published by the appropriate authority, e.g. minimum sector altitude (MSA))

b) The procedure shall be applied during the daytime. The procedure may be considered for application at night following a separate aeronautical study by the appropriate air traffic services (ATS) authority

c) The pilot shall be responsible for maintaining obstacle clearance until the specified altitude. Further clearance (route, heading, point) shall be specified by ATC, and

d) Separation shall be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual departure and other departing and arriving aircraft.

26th Sep 2007, 18:04

Thank you very much for providing info regarding visual climb/departure.
It is very usefull. There are some countries having different or similler regulation, but I was interested in ICAO regulation.
Different OJTIs are explaining it different way and it is sometimes confusing to understand it when you hear all those interpretations.

Thanks once again,