View Full Version : NATS Promotional Video

21st Sep 2007, 11:02
With all the various threads and PDF files around on being an ATC, i read somewhere about NATS giving a promotional DVD titled Airspace through its press office.

I phoned the press office and was just told to just read whats on the NATS website but, i just want to gather as much information as possible. Is there anyone with a copy of this DVD and is willing to give/lend it out. I will return it. . .promise :)

Thanks for reading

21st Sep 2007, 11:15
Never heard of it and just searched the NATS intranet which also drew a blank. Sorry.


Standard Noise
21st Sep 2007, 11:31
Saints preserve us! Promotional videos now is it, whatever next?
Promoting ourselves as what exactly?

21st Sep 2007, 13:56
there used to be one on the nats careers website. nothing brilliant though

21st Sep 2007, 14:53
Oh come on Standard. Buck up. You obviously haven't been paying attention to the Barron. What's the use of the company employing hordes of people in corporate communications if you can't be bothered to read your e-mails.
A promotional video would promote us as a world leading ANSP, and one of the hundred best companies to work for. :yuk: Didn't you know that?

Flaps ten please
22nd Sep 2007, 19:21

Check your PMs

Standard Noise
22nd Sep 2007, 19:54
Radarman - first I'd have to find the time to sit down and decide if I can be bothered to check my emails.

Just by the by, I saw a van today with 'Phillip James, Plumbing and Heating' on the side. Should I be reading my emails then?:}

22nd Sep 2007, 23:43
Flaps Ten

Thank you very much, got your PM. . . will do, thank you. Very much appreciated.

23rd Sep 2007, 09:00
Perhaps Phillip James is doing some clandestine Secondary Employment to pay off all those ATCOs of 40 years service whose pension he short-changed by withdrawing the '40 Year Rule' without any consultation with TUs.