View Full Version : Trainee Pilots

20th Sep 2007, 07:05
Do you ATC guys piss yourselves laughing if there are trainee pilots at your aerodromes? I'm a training pilot and the thought of you guys up there laughing your proverbials off puts me off! Just a something I've always wondered!?

20th Sep 2007, 09:41
Sometimes, yes. But it's just part of the job. Sometimes it's more fustrating than funny, particulary when you've got your ass hanging out, and a poor trainee is giving you either their life story or not the readbacks you need. Sometimes i think a little more instructor intervention is required... I know they have to learn, but that's what brief / debrief is for. Having said that, i know the fustrations from both ends of the mike, so i cut the newbies some slack..

Be aware we keep a funny quotes book though....:E

20th Sep 2007, 09:53
It's quite useful to pop along and visit your local ATC unit; have a chat, see how it works and maybe some one-to-one tuition.

However, I know of one ATCO (whose voice I recognised) who nearly fell on the floor laughing at some things I said, viz:

Approach ATCO: G-xx, report airfield in sight.
Me: Yeah, I got it love!
Instructor: The correct response is "Affirm".

Meanwhile, ATCO is clutching his sides in mirth saying, "that's my student!

