View Full Version : QR or EK

19th Sep 2007, 21:58
I am currently considering two offers of non flying positions at QR and EK both at a grade 9 level. The QR offer is almost double the base salary of EK. Is there more to EK allowances then QR that I am missing. I know from the posts here that QR is very difficult to work for but would a better salary be worth it. Is the cost of living that different between the two cities that different?

19th Sep 2007, 22:49
Hello Cnic,

I am not sure what kind of non flying position you've been offered but if you want my opnion. GO EK!

If you choose QR, it will be the worst decision you will ever make in your whole life. QR is one of the worst companies you can ever work for.

I never worked at any of these two companies but my wife worked 8 years for EK and 6 months for QR.

The QR management is the worse management of an organization you can ever deal with. Very humilating and totally unprofessional.

QR's CEO is a very complicated person to get along with.

If we talk EK, we are talking excellent management. They treat you in a way that makes you want to give and try to do your best in every single way.

Now let's talk country wise.

If you live in QR, you simply are giving up everything. Freedom, happiness and Joy.

In QR there is nothing you can do except for staying home or going to work. The people there have sick minds and very hard to deal with. Rent expense is so high. However, if QR is providing accomodation for self and family (if any) will save you a bit but still is not worth it.

Living in Dubai is so wonderful and can get things done easily. I am not saying this because I was born in Dubai but because it is a lovley country and dont want you to do the same mistake I did.

I left Dubai to QR over a couple of thousand dollars more in salary but have regreted it later on and found out it wasn't really worth it.

I am not sure of what offer you were provided by QR but even if it was 100% more than what EK offered you don't go QR! Trust me i am giving you my own experience and wish I heard these words before moving to QR but unfortunatley no one ever told me what I will be going to face in QR.

Good luck on any of your decisions but I am still advising you to think eally well. Try to visit both countries and experience it yourself. Not only by visiting people but also be interacting with them.

Good Luck!

20th Sep 2007, 07:57
True...:ok:!But as usual it depends where you are coming from...If you come from the indian sub continent for example well..Qatar will look like paradise.....
But if you come from a "so called" civilsed , developped and democratic country..well then be prepared for a shock..
I think honestly Qatar is the worse place in the gulf to LIVE compared to all the other places around like Barhein, Abu Dhabi,Dubai, Muscat,Kuwait.
Even for the peole coming from those countries around itīs a shock when they arrive here in Doha...

cavelino rampante
20th Sep 2007, 09:17
and still they stay and post on here wallowing in pools of their own misery

20th Sep 2007, 10:28
hi, i totally agree with u mate, i am a GCC member doing ATPL course in doha for the last 20 months and as f it was 200 years ago, the place is sick :yuk:, people are stupid :8, life style is rubbesh :ugh:, etc... u just name it. there is nothing good about this country except 4 their salaries :ok::ok: otherwise 4get about it... it will be the biggest mistake u'll ever do:{ f u'll come 2 this place.

by the way, QR cabin crew r the ugliest crew i've ever seen :} nothing compared to EK or GF ;)


20th Sep 2007, 11:08
If Q.A is soo great , well good.. go ahead with your argument and try to convince all the people to come here instead of blaming people like us.

cavelino rampante
20th Sep 2007, 11:14
and still they stay and post on here wallowing in pools of their own misery

20th Sep 2007, 11:24
Grade 9 position at EK is a different position to a grade 9 at QR hence the big difference in salary.

Grade 9 in QR is usually senior management grade, and most likely to report into a head of department.
Grade 9 in EK is more of a lower middle management job. You are likely to be reporting into a "manager" of grade 10.

20th Sep 2007, 14:14
Youhave read a lot about DOHA and Qatar .Mostly negative.However the salary seems to fairly high for Qatar ( generally behind eK in Salary)

A Grade 9 job is a managerial job 10 again Senior Manager and 11 Vice president. EK has ground jobs for flt crew positions that attract some benefits that are not normally associated with the normal management grades. The grades are prefixed FD.. these Grades are usually associated for FCTI ,SFI and Flt Deck.

Any way if you are bringing your family along . You will find that the benefits of schooling and accomodation ,medical for self and family will outweigh the higher salary ( still debatable). Shortage of of acccomodation can eat into your salary

Obviously if you are single and can handle the boredom of DOH and are looking at it short term. 1-3yrs, then Qatar is fine. However if you are bringing your family along and want a bit of a social life then Dubai and emirates is your best bet. But beware it is tending to get expensive. don't mention the "traffic"

Good Luck


Black Stain
21st Sep 2007, 21:25
You sound depressed Cavalino Rampante, all the doom getting you down sport? :suspect:. What to do?

Listening to others moan is depressing. Yes? Moaning about others moaning is very sad indeed. My physician within prescribes ground Hemlock with Vodka, entirely painless cure. But really you should do something positive to stop all the moaning. Yes??

Please sir, let me be your shrink for a day. Here is a plan to end your troubles:

Fot the good of all lifers like you, suggest the following in person to the chief:

1. Cancel all bonds. Bonds are a tool to prevent people leaving. If you want the moaners out asap then cancel the bonds. Surely any professional organisation that only seeks highly motivated and loyal team members would want to depense with the moaners immediately at any cost. Yes? So much talk here about prestige and wealth without compare? A bond then is nothing compared to a loyal submissive workforce. What do you think?

2. Reduce the ridiculous 90 day notice period to the industry standard one calander month. Why would you want someone who doesn't care about much anymore to hang around for 90 days?? Please dont tell me replacement time. The training system has always been and always will be red line flat out all day every day. Cant push harder than a red line so let them go if they want to. Yes?

Hope you feel better soon, if not, let me mix up the Hemlock.


Terry Wrist
22nd Sep 2007, 23:17
Stop waffling Dr :mad: Stain and just give him the poison and let the whingers get on with a good job.

cavelino rampante
23rd Sep 2007, 09:42
See ya :ok: :)

28th Sep 2007, 04:21
But for sure if you want your roster for next month on time...EK is probably better....28/9.....still no roster for october..at least for the 320.!
Congratualtion to the 5 stars roster team for their professional job again..:ouch:

28th Sep 2007, 04:36
loc22550, the rostering department was not a pleasant place to be yesterday, ...... apparently axes swinging all over the place.

I am sure you will get your roster imminently though.


28th Sep 2007, 08:25
well i guess.....only 2 days to go...:ouch:

28th Sep 2007, 08:54
What to do What to do:rolleyes:

28th Sep 2007, 20:10
How could there be any doubt what-so-ever, EK every time no question, QR only ever if you can get based outside Doha, and that isn't happenng anytime soon.

29th Sep 2007, 04:59
Since the rostering department is currently without a manager, it has inevitably delayed things a bit.

As I said before, the axe hath swungeth.

Terry Wrist
30th Sep 2007, 11:50
Just the manager eh? Pity. Would have thought a Nuremburg style trial for all evil doers more appropriate.

What will the next manager do? Exactly what the last one did, exactly what his corporals told him was best. Nothing changes but the sad faces strapped to the ejection seats.

May he go to a better place :suspect:

30th Sep 2007, 12:40
For sure nothing will happen to the well protected "shaking head" mafia here.....What to do....What to do...