View Full Version : Another Example of EK's Organisational Abilities

19th Sep 2007, 16:42
It was great of them to change the Crew Portal without testing it first.
Yesterday only after many pilots called Mercator did they think of including a link explaining how to change your settings.
Great, we can now log on but no Java based applications work. I.E. no access to trips for tickets or sub load predictions.

Rest assured their finest engineers are working on it but no idea when it will be fixed.

Hope these are not the same bunch working on the 380 project. We can guess what a smooth introduction to service that is going to have :ugh:

19th Sep 2007, 16:48
Will someone please call the WHAAAAAMBULENCE for this guy?;) My last THREE airlines didn't even have a portal......we were treated like mushrooms.:(

19th Sep 2007, 17:47
do you guys have time to check the portal :cool:

10th Oct 2007, 04:48
Great, we can now log on but no Java based applications work. I.E. no access to trips for tickets or sub load predictions.

Does anybody have the fix for this part of the problem? Can log into portal no problem, but Java based applications still not working.