View Full Version : Had my class 1 Medical today and...

17th Sep 2007, 18:09
I'm basically a little worried. I had it today in Madrid's "Hospital de Aire" and whilst I was reading through part of the report on my eyesight test, all columns were ticked "NORMAL" except for one (which was "ABNORMAL"). It was "Positioning and movement of the eyes".
Now by guessing pretty much all of the tests I did I think went fine but this one is really worrying me. Has anyone had this problem? Any advice or suggestions or should I just wait until results arrive?

By the way, this was the Class 1 Medical test.


17th Sep 2007, 18:15
better to wait.
it is not a fail/pass exam like when I was in the army, It s a medical to see if you fit for the job, or if there is some correction to do with your eyes.

you can not request advises really here as each case is different and based on doctor's decision.

so take it easy!:ok: