View Full Version : Height limit for ATCOs?

Gingerbread Man
17th Sep 2007, 15:14
I have just registered on the NATS careers website and was asked if I am between 151cm and 186cm tall. I answered no. I was still asked to book a test date. Why do they ask you this? Would being 6'4" mean that I couldn't do the job in some way?


Ginger ;)

eastern wiseguy
17th Sep 2007, 15:31

Read here......although this guy was 6 10

18th Sep 2007, 10:19
Many ATC facilities, at an area or aerodrome, have fixed layouts and consoles which are driven by the operational requirements (visibility out of the tower, radar screen size etc). Though they are also designed to fit the median of people, there are some parts which cannot be adjusted, and may cause discomfort or be impossible to make fit for someone of certain sizes or build. H&SE are very hot on ensuring that the working environment does not contribute to or cause physical discomfort or injury.

As a responsible prospective employer, NATS needs to make sure that your stature does not present a possible problem to you or them before you agree on employement which will infringe the H&SE regulations.

Having said all that, 6'4" does not sound excessive to me and there are quite a few ATCOS at LACC of that height or more.

18th Sep 2007, 10:56
Of course, as an equal opportunity employer, they should build a workstation to fit you. http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=593&pagetype=90&pageid=2409

PPRuNe Radar
18th Sep 2007, 12:17
Do the CAA provide ATS now then ?? :confused:

18th Sep 2007, 13:04
[SIZE=2]Of course, as an equal opportunity employer, they should build a workstation to fit you.
The current workstations 'fit' the 95th percentile, that is 95% of people not those at the lower or the upper end of the scales. It would be very difficult to build workstations which would 'fit' 100% of the population. I suspect that in order to comply with HSE and DSE requirements it would be realistically impossible to do so.
That said the new controller workstations which will eventually roll out throughout NATS, starting with the new Prestwick Centre, have a height adjustable worktop.


terrain safe
18th Sep 2007, 13:51
That said the new controller workstations which will eventually roll out throughout NATS, starting with the new Prestwick Centre, have a height adjustable worktop.

Wot even at Airports? :cool::cool:

18th Sep 2007, 15:18
Wot even at Airports? :cool::cool:
Sorry dunno about NSL, I should have said NERL or NATS ACCs :uhoh:


18th Sep 2007, 15:40
We've got adjustable desks in our new tower, as well as adjustable rails behind the desks to which all of our LCDs are fixed.

Nobody that I know of adjusts them, as most people stand up in GMC. In Air, for most people, if you adjust the desk to a comfortable height, you then have to have the rail quite high, then the LCDs block the view of the runway. As it is, the rail is left low, and the EFPS and AGL panels block the lower third/quarter of the LCDs (ASMGCS, ATM, ADIS).

21st Sep 2007, 09:21
Hay up.....
The system that NATS has introduced basically means that if you are between 5ft and 6ft 1 1/2 inch when you pass all the interviews and selection tests you will be asked to go and complete a health and saftey assessment on the equipment.

Def not boring you with how they got those figures etc and the in's and out's of it all.

But I think you've got nothing to worry about if your short at 6ft 4....I'm sure you'll be fine.

Good luck.....

21st Sep 2007, 09:57
Its all to do with the height of your arse, dear boy.

In your illustrious career as an ATCO it will be either kicked or kissed many times, depending on whether you go into management or not.

If ones arse is too far from the ground the health and safety implications are horrendous, not to mention the time lost trying to reach it.

Hope this helps to clarify :\