View Full Version : To Close or Not to Close ...

delay undetermined
14th Sep 2007, 18:06
Here is the scenario.

ATCO and AFS staff paid until for example 9pm. The Aerodrome is Strictly PPR only. The only commercial helicopter operator is operating 1 A/C on a VFR training flight and is not expected to return for an hour, which they can operate outwith AD hours. The Chief Pilot(flying) and another senior Captain state that the company fire cover will be sufficient to cover the flight on its return. Should the ATCO and AFS go home early? Bearing in mind the AC is new, and the pilots are new to it, and the weather is not bad but not great.

In the event of a crash when the staff have gone home ... what are the legal or moral implications for the ATCO and AFS?:ouch: :uhoh:

Or does the instruction from the Chief Pilot constitute an acceptance that the company will deal with any incident.

Duty of Care? :ooh:

15th Sep 2007, 08:23
It is about 15 years since I worked at a small airfield north of the Pentland Firth:I once sent the AFS home one hour early due fog and cancelled traffic.I stayed in the tower knowing full well there would be no movements,however I felt really uncomfortable and vowed I would never do it again.
I think that because you are asking this question on the internet you already know the answer.If you NOTAM the airfield closed this will probably bring the "early go" to the attention of people who you do not want to be in the information loop:=
Also in these days of Swiss cheese/Sod's law scenario how would you feel if your airfield was chosen for an a/c with an emergency and you were not there!
Also since when does a cheif pilot run the airfield.
I strongly suggest you do not close before your published hours.

15th Sep 2007, 10:25
Been there, done that....

As AYR says, don't close.

I felt much happier keeping the (grumpy) firemen there for an hour (which they're paid for anyway).

Anyway. They soon cheered up after a few tots in my house later, and could see my point of view... albeit through an alcoholic haze.;)


15th Sep 2007, 10:28
Questions of morality are for individuals _ I wouldn't want to bore you with where I draw my own lines.

As to the legal issues, the responsibility for most of the things that you are fretting over fall to the aerodrome licensee. The local procedures, and particularly the Emergency Orders, should set out what is permitted and what level of Alerting Service and emergency response is required for any particular operation. If you comply with the local instructions then you have done what is expected of you. If the local instructions do not cover a situation that concerns you, then raise it through the appropriate management chain.

If you are contracted/paid to work until 9pm (or whatever) what justifiable reason do you have to go home early?

OK, these are idealistic answers - and I know that real life is not that simple - but if you are concerned about legal issues you have to do what you are contracted to do and nothing less. Under duty of care and safety management concepts you should take all reasonable and practicable measures to raise safety concerns that are the responsibility of others through an appropriate channel. But, beyond that, I don't imagine that you have any responsibilities.

15th Sep 2007, 13:43
Concur with Spitoon.

If you are paid to stay and don't, you don't have a leg to stand on if something goes wrong.

delay undetermined
15th Sep 2007, 13:59
Nik Nak, Spitoon, all ... thanks for your responces, twas not I, however my colleague has been suitably chastised :E, and I will refer the legal issue to 'the management'!

Thanks for confirming my thoughts. And I agree, at the subsequent bored of enquiry ... not a leg to stand on!


delay undetermined
15th Sep 2007, 14:07
:ugh: p.s thought I'd get in first before someone states the obvious ... yes I mean bored ... :E :ok: