View Full Version : Radio licence form? Where abouts do I find it?

13th Sep 2007, 17:03
Hi just about to apply for my FAA ATP. Where abouts on the internet would I find the application form needed for an American radio licence to go with my FAA ATP??


13th Sep 2007, 18:03

14th Sep 2007, 10:20
sorry for asking but what are you meant to do with the form?? Doesnt seem anyway connected to the FAA.

14th Sep 2007, 11:40
Well you go to the above link and follow instructions for a RR certificate.Ita couple of small forms to fill out and submit online and you get your licence mailed to wherever you are ..60 USD is what they charge for fee.

good luck

14th Sep 2007, 14:40
Radio licence is nothing to do with the FAA ATP. It's not a requirement to hold the radio lic. in order to hold the ATP however it *is* a requirement to hold the radio lic. if you venture outside the US and wish to use R/T. Most companies will require you to have the radio lic. as a result.

Check 6
15th Sep 2007, 15:17
The radio permit is issued by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). They are the US government agency responsible for issuing all radio and TV licenses, permits, etc.

18th Sep 2007, 17:04
Just looking into this more deeply. Wont my JAA R/T licence suffice??

19th Sep 2007, 13:59
You have to give us more so we can point you on the right direction. Why do you need an FCC radio license? Are you planning to work for US based airlines?

Check 6
19th Sep 2007, 14:41
The requirement for the US FCC Restricted Radiotelephone Operators Permit has nothing to do with who your employer is.

If one flies an N registered aircraft outside the U.S. then you must have this permit in your possession.

Technically only the person who transmits on the aircraft radio/s is required to have this license, but to be pragmatic both should have the license in a two-pilot aircraft.

Panama Jack
19th Sep 2007, 21:32
Just looking into this more deeply. Wont my JAA R/T licence suffice??

No, because it is radio equipment, being operated on a FCC Radio Station Licence. It is like saying "won't my JAA pilot license suffice for operating a US registered aircraft? Or if I need an FAA pilot certificate, can I keep it valid with my JAA Medical?"

20th Sep 2007, 15:14
go on a search engine, and look for restricted use Radio operators licences, by FCC.

Or read post no 2, and use this link.

They provide forms, and all data needed to issue a FCC licence based on your JAA RT licence.
Small fee, and all done.
You need one for operation of an N reg aircraft outside the USA. and especially if you are applying for RVSM or similar ratings.