View Full Version : Getting into GF

10th Sep 2007, 10:48
Since everyone seems to be talking about GF, let me ask a question..

Does someone who has 3000TT, 2100SIC time on the Dash8 and 400 hours SIC time on the MD82 stand a good chance of getting an interview?:ok:

10th Sep 2007, 11:03
Yes, that's way above the min reqs. Not sure when they will recruit though as that dept is in turmoil right now. Rumors of going to Canada to look for pilots so you might not have to travel to BAH.

10th Sep 2007, 13:26
Sounds like you did a round at JetsGo , so you will be use to crap conditions.
Try EK , I hear they are taking Dash 8 drivers now.

10th Sep 2007, 18:30
Er, dont think so, I used to fly the Dash 8 and all that is good for is contributing to the total time (4000 hrs), you also need 2000 hours JET for EK.

11th Sep 2007, 06:55
I am use to crap conditions, but no im not an ex jetgo driver.. EK i know they are very strict on the 2000JET time, only got 400..