View Full Version : Control Tower question please

8th Sep 2007, 15:45

I'm hoping this is right forum for my question. If not im sorry .

I have had this life long dream to go into the air traffic control tower to watch them at work. Now jim'll fix it has finished and im in my mid forties im supposing it will never happen. ;)

Would this be just a privelidge for people who know or have relatives working as ATC's? or if i wrote to someone dyou think i might be allowed to go take a look? it fascinates me how they work.

If a possibility dyou think anyone could tell me where i could write to. Im tall blonde have very long legs and pretty LMAO sorry couldnt resist.;)

Barnaby the Bear
8th Sep 2007, 16:38
A phone call and the promise of biscuits or cakes usually doe's the trick. Long legs etc. added bonus..:}

8th Sep 2007, 20:59
I just wanted to be different. Why dont you like my name? :(

Is it really as easy as that to get into the tower to have a nosey?

I would so like to do that.

Any ATC's out there would be willing to let me come take a look, i would really appreciate it (she says with M & S biccy's at the ready) ;)

9th Sep 2007, 14:28
Depends where in 'London' you live. If you're north, I would suggest Luton, east London City, south Biggin Hill, west Farnborough.

9th Sep 2007, 14:49
Should i write to ATC at any of those airports.? not sure how i go about it. they will think im nuts , im sure !!

9th Sep 2007, 15:05
Na, I'd just give 'em a call.

Go to the AIS website at http://www.ais.org.uk/aes/login.jsp, register and you should be able to access all the aeronautical information about the airports listed (look in the AD section). The information does include a telephone number you can use.

If you're more specific about where you live we can help you find the nearest one.

9th Sep 2007, 17:42
My nearest airport would probably be either Stansted or Luton.

thanks :)

9th Sep 2007, 21:53
My VFR flight guide gives telephone numbers for NATS (the company supplying ATC services):

Stansted - 01279 669328
Luton - 01582 395029 or 395299 (switchboard 405100)

Good luck and let us know if it worked out!

9th Sep 2007, 22:41
Try Stanstead - tower is landside, and its a pretty tall tower, the view is cool

10th Sep 2007, 10:39
Thanks guys,

I will probably try Stansted then


10th Sep 2007, 15:08
My VFR flight guide gives telephone numbers for NATS (the company supplying ATC services):
Luton - 01582 395029 or 395299 (switchboard 405100)
Oh dear, your VFR FG is out of date then...
Call NATS Luton on 01582 395229/395230 (NATS Administration) and ask to arrange a visit.
Plan it only for 'office hours' so there's someone to host your visit.
You'll need photo ID as although like Stansted, the Tower is landside, as with Stansted it's within a controlled access area. :ok:

10th Sep 2007, 19:44
ooooo so you think it may be possible then?

Excited now !!:D

Thanks i have mailed the NATS head office, but i will try to call that number soon.

Many thanks

10th Sep 2007, 21:09
Oh dear, your VFR FG is out of date then...

Unless the 2008 VFR FG is out already, then, officially, it isn't. Oh well. If this is the only error in the book, I'm quite happy.

Julian Hensey
11th Sep 2007, 14:38
The serious issue about visits to tower is that most ATC units are damn busy and have little time to do the tour of all the gadgets. Most of what you see you can learn about before you get into the tower which saves time for nattering until you see something you don't recognise.

When at Bristol ATC fixed squarely next to the approach radar position was a small red button marked "Panic". I paused and took a careful look at it. Having seen the "Crash Alarm" red button in the tower I assumed it was a similar device until I could see the tale tale blu tack oozing out the side... :p

11th Sep 2007, 15:15
People wishing to visit Manchester Airport Control Tower, you have no luck :{

When i did my work experience at Manchester Airport at the start of Yr11 i went up for a visit in the Control Tower. It was a great experience and recently i tried to organise a visit for friends to go up and have a look round :)

However! When i got in contact with a ATCO at Manchester Airport i know, he said it was very unlikely now to organise a visit. Manchester has stopped allowing Tower visits due to the unfortunate events of 9/11 (R.I.P) and also the increased levels of traffic the airport is having to deal with. The only chance anyone has of been able to get into the Tower is anyone who has any connection with NATS. If you are about to start at NATS it is possible to visit. Other controllers can visit. Anyone working at NATS can visit. This is the best chance though.

Unfortunately it is very difficult for the public now to visit EGCC. As much as they try to encourage people to visit, now the airport is just too busy with the traffic.

Take care


18th Sep 2007, 21:02
Aww ,

I just got an e mail from NATS at Heathrow. They said BAA wont let anyone other than personel into the tower, because of 9/11. Oh well never mind, state of the world today i suppose :((((

Thanks for the people who gave me contact details anyway :((

aluminium persuader
19th Sep 2007, 07:07
A bit further afield, but you could try Cambridge or Wattisham (mil & sometimes quiet though). Even further but still good is Norwich.

19th Sep 2007, 11:14

Are you really a tall, pretty blonde with long legs? If so, I have a copy of London Control you can try out on my home PC :E!!

19th Sep 2007, 19:49
LOL Anotherthing.

I want to see real big birdies and real screens with the big birdies on them too. Thanks for the offer though, but i think hubby might protest somewhat!!


20th Sep 2007, 00:37

speaking of further afield, how about OZ? We will give you a royal tour so to speak???

20th Sep 2007, 03:32
kam....you could take her to the "ballet"!!

20th Sep 2007, 05:31

If it is the ballet that I have been to in Melbourne I am not sure that she would be interested.... if you get my drift.:O

20th Sep 2007, 06:46
kam...the same!

21st Sep 2007, 08:40
Kam thanks,

Long way to go to look at the ATC at work !! And i hate the ballet btw !!

21st Sep 2007, 10:38

The offer stands and re the ballet I think you need to think outside of the square? ;)

24th Sep 2007, 15:53
I wonder if "BAA wont let anyone other than personel into the tower, because of 9/11" Means Heathrow personel or can us NATS guys/girls who don't work at Heathrow have a vist?

Had no problem visiting the old (proper) tower a couple of days before the new one opened. Would be a shame if I couldn't vist the new one even if it was just to admire the view and be marvel at EFPS!!!!

24th Sep 2007, 16:33
Maybe try smaller unit. . Cranfield, Cambrige etc. . . i have previously had no joy with Stanstead, Heathrow, Stanstead etc but who knows you could be luckier than I am.

Managed to speak to someone who was very helpful, (3rd time lucky) at Luton (managed to get through to the tower) and am waiting for an approval from them(theyaskedme to put in my request in writing- well email).

If all else fails, keep trying until they give in :8, or in your case, switch on the charm:O;)