View Full Version : Ryanair - The new deal!

737-NG First Officer
12th Apr 2001, 12:31
Hello all,

So, how's it going under the new deal, what's the cash like?, has it gone up at all? I've heard rumors that the F/O's are taking home an average of £3300 per month over the year. Would love to know if this is true or just propaganda!! :) :)

Any info would be much appreciated - cheers. :)

12th Apr 2001, 22:47
Pretty close!

737-NG First Officer
13th Apr 2001, 23:27

Thanks for that, Very informative :rolleyes: ......Now, does anyone else have any info, please don't feel that U have to be quite as verbose as Ostov!! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif :)

Mr Benn
13th Apr 2001, 23:34
Are we talking £3300 NET per month? If so, where do I apply? What are the benefits like? Is there also sector pay?

737-NG First Officer
13th Apr 2001, 23:51
Aprox. £3300 take home NET! this includes flight pay which is at least half the total.........But I Don't Know, which is why I started this thread :)

16th Apr 2001, 22:49
Is there a big pay difference between 737-200 FO and 737-800 FO out of Stansted? How are new-hire pilots allocated to one fleet or the other (hours alone)?

I'd love to sit in one of those 800s!

20th Apr 2001, 14:35
average £3000 a month for a rated f/o....can be better or worse depending on how hard you work ...if you join on the 200 the likelyhood of a stn base is remote but a direct entry on the 800 will get stn. You have to be rated to get in though and if you did get in without a rating the monthly takehome is circa £2000

737-NG First Officer
20th Apr 2001, 22:20
Thanks Yappy, V. interesting. A massive difference between the rated and non-rated. Cheers.

10th May 2001, 02:54
Does anybody know, if ryanair is currently looking for rated direct entry captains and their payment,...?

Skye Pilot
11th May 2001, 00:42

No they are not at this time.

12th May 2001, 21:01
Hmm, just curious.... how long does a non-rated 73 F/O stay on that "lower pay scale"?

16th May 2001, 17:47
You can be on the non-rated scale for 2 or 3 years depending on what experience you had joining i.e. heavy jet, different type B737 etc.