View Full Version : easyJet Cash Bonus ?

Wig Wag
26th Jun 2001, 11:48
Remember the publicity that easyJet received earlier in the year for offering type rated pilots an up front cash bonus of £30,000?

Can anyone comment on how many pilots were actually PAID this money?

It was a fairly radical recruiting gambit which doesn't seem to have caught on.

Rocket Ron
26th Jun 2001, 12:13
As a tactic it failed miserably, and I understand that the offer has been withdrawn.
The original intention was to target GO Captains, but attracted the grand total of one!

So who's going to join them now?

26th Jun 2001, 16:11
Can one assume that there were a lot of conditions tied to it hence the reason for its failure to attract people

27th Jun 2001, 02:34
Rocket Ron

Out of 60 something applicants, 12 were employed (others not suitable through age, currency, some even failed sim check).

Offer was only advertised as being open for 1 month anyway so it ran it's course and was not 'withdrawn' as you suggest.

Who's going to join now? Well i guess some of the 50 interviewees per month might just think about it, if offered the job!

Flap 5
27th Jun 2001, 12:14
It certainly annoyed the existing pilots. They saw it as a bonus paid to a newby when all of the hard working pilots who had been there for several years were getting very little extra. That didn't help easy's self promulgated reputation of looking after their pilots!

Rocket Ron
27th Jun 2001, 12:33
FlapsOne, so what was it about that particular month that made EZY decide they had a requirement for hostages to fortune? "Marry in haste, repent at leisure!" is the phrase which springs to mind.

I have a number of friends at EZY and they all echo Flap 5's sentiments, so I'd be interested to hear your views on this point.

3rd Jul 2001, 03:00
Rocket Ron

I wholeheartedly disagreed with the payments on offer, as did many colleagues, who felt rightly agrieved.

The management view was that we needed experienced captains quickly to cope with the effects of the somewhat rapid expansion and increase in sectors hoisted on us by the commercial people over the previous months. The target, I am told, was 10-12 captains which was achieved. The targets were not only GO skippers, but any 737 type rated pilots with suitable command experience.

From a management viewpoint it served the purpose but, yes, it succeeded in pi$$ing off many on the shop floor.
