View Full Version : A380 Ground collison in BKK

Five Livers
2nd Sep 2007, 14:17
Oops! Spot of bad luck while being towed out for a VIP trip at BKK.
'A winglet of the world's largest passenger jet hit an airport hangar, resulting in a delay of it's take off for a round trip to Chiang Mai. VIPs etc ...... The double-decker finally took off after both winglets were removed. Blah blah ..... Mr X, president of the national flag carrier said the pilots were not at fault, but suspected that the accident might have resulted from insufficient space and incorrect demarcation on the tarmac.'

Sorry, the link opens on 7 Jul 07; you have to hit 'Home' to open todays edition

2nd Sep 2007, 14:27

Here it is

Captain Planet
2nd Sep 2007, 17:24
Yet another blow to further tarnish Airbus's reputation
Will the ever catch a break with the 380??

2nd Sep 2007, 17:36
A dozy tug driver can put a dent in anything. Hardly Airbus' fault now is it?

2nd Sep 2007, 20:50
I have to ask, is it worth it to reconfigure airports to handle the A380?

When we have super big trucks in America, driving the freeways, they are preceeded by a pilot car, trailed by a trail car and there are large flags to warn others.

so, maybe instead of reconfiguring airports, operators of the A380 should just make darn sure they have plenty of wing walkers.

3rd Sep 2007, 22:46
Capt Planet - your first post wasn't a classic, not least since you "knocked the winglet" off the word "they" :rolleyes:

7th Sep 2007, 11:29
Was it on ground maneuvering by tug driver or the Airbus pilots supervising local would be 380 wannabes?

7th Sep 2007, 23:13
We talk, talk, talk, sometime because we want to show off, show off and so..
when you learn that the A380 have the same speed approach of an A320...you stop all criticism.
When you visit the economy class of both decks and find yourself that is roomier and better passenger oriented that currently aircrafts you get a little more respect for this project. She is big and beatifully quite and lands slower that our A330s even if she is heavier than a Japananese 747-400 with 500 passengers on board.

8th Sep 2007, 01:57
Big? yes

Large and posssibly roomy? Yes

Beautiful? No.. It's the ugliest aircraft I have ever laid eyes on. Shockingly bad

Another Number
8th Sep 2007, 02:54
"beautifully quiet" I believe ZAGORFLY was trying to say.

I don't think anyone would consider the A380 beautiful.

Fugly, perhaps, but not beautiful. :p

9th Sep 2007, 20:46
Well the the 747 SP was no beauty. The longer A-380 versions will be more in proportion.

10th Sep 2007, 03:55
please teach me how to send you a picture of her.