View Full Version : Korean Contract

20th Mar 2001, 18:45
Anyone out there on the A330 Korean Air Cambridge contract, I have all the paper work just wondered if it is worth sending in. Be much obliged if you could answer the following?

1/ What are the rosters like?

2/ Is it worth the life style for the remuneration package?

3/ Is the morale good amongst the expat pilot group?

4/ What chance is there of getting a B747-400 rating out of it sometime in the future?

5/ What’s the best way of keeping that hard earned cash out of you know who’s hands, i.e. if it is paid offshore does it mean the man we all love to hate can still clobber me if in UK for more than 90 days per financial year?

Any views comments welcome and I apologise if some of my questions are a little naive, have not considered expat before, but as UK plc seems to be going down the bog thought I would have a look!

[This message has been edited by Symbian (edited 20 March 2001).]

20th Mar 2001, 20:08
Give a call to IFALPA and find out about the life as an expat.

Smooth Trimmer

21st Mar 2001, 05:34
Dear Symbian,
Visit www.jetjock.net (http://www.jetjock.net)
It will be quite helpful for you
and you will get some answer from the expat
pilots in Korean Air.

22nd Mar 2001, 13:15
Thanks Strobelight very informative