View Full Version : Go-Fly!! (Why?)

Choppie Charlie
23rd May 2001, 23:58
Hello to everyone in Go.

I was thinking of joining Go based out of Stansted or Bristol and was wondering what sort of working conditions I could expect. Are there any overnights? What type of 737 do you operate? Where is your simulator training based? Are the Captains mostly ex- Ba as I have heard? Are you working extremely hard? I don't want to know the actual sector pay, but would like to know is it comparable with other Low Fare airlines? Finally, are you actually based in Bristol or is that something that is just a rumour? I have heard that the lady in charge is excellent at her job and look forward to joining up. Thanks for taking the time to reply. My decision will take into account what you have to say about the company!

Lord Fulmer
24th May 2001, 19:13
In answer to your questions, here goes...

Stansted base only,
Overnights in EDI, BFS GLA and BRS
Gecat at Gatwick
A few BA Boys but getting fewer
How do you spell 900 hours.
£20 Cpt's £12 F/O's
About the same, maybe a few quid more than Ezy.
Bristol is worked on a W pattern, overnighting at BRS on the way.

Hope this helps.

Choppie Charlie
24th May 2001, 21:34
Thankyou very much for replying. Appreciate the info. Maybe I will be flying with you soon!

26th May 2001, 09:47
I see Storm advertising for 737-300 Captains and FO's again via www.climbto350.com (http://www.climbto350.com) so I presume Go is hunting for type rated pilots again in earnest.

26th May 2001, 10:30
Does anybody know if GO is recruiting B737 rated captains at EDI?

28th May 2001, 16:27
Are go recruiting low hour pilots (ie 300 total and 100 multi?)


Homer :)

Duff, Duff, that Wonderful stuff. Ummmmm Doughnuts