View Full Version : Serco Sharjah Twr Jobs

17th Aug 2007, 12:29
I know it's been asked before (but the lastest posts are now pretty old) but what's the story with Sharjah and the vacancies still being advertised? Anyone have any details on the package/conditions....and is the situation there still as bad as what it used to be?

Any help much appreciated

18th Aug 2007, 17:07
The online advert clearly states that the application process is open until October 2007.
As with every Serco vacancy, terms and conditions are very rarely, if ever advertised, apply and state what you want.
Although, even though its in the sand, with this being a Tower only posting, you can't expect to command the same salary as APS or Area would.

19th Aug 2007, 17:07
hi Mate

'CONTROL MOBILE' is in Top Gear.... with all the detialed info....

You can imagine even the SATCO is about to leave or has left..... not sure abt Mr.A.C......'s latest whereabouts.....

Unfortunately OMSJ TWR is like a VERY VERY OLD Class G Aerodrome Tower!!

I never thought it was so bad, even though I was warned not to even apply for OMSJ Vacancies......Then.. when seeing it 'LIVE'....... after..... getting your breath back by climbing up the Tower LADDER......U'd hardly have enough energy with what you have seen on the way up the Tower!!:yuk:...Let alone inside the VCR!!!

Besides the premises, and old equipment, you have got to deal with a non-friendly Fire Chief....beware going around in ATC Vehicle on the aerodrome,, because they can ARREST You!!

As previously said, OMSJ ATCO's are paid through a seperate contract than other SERCO Contracts, that is they get paid from SHJ DCA!!...Ha ha.. who dont even have an idea of management yet alone APPRECIATING an Expat ATCO there.......As you will also have to fork out extra Money to get decent accomodation..If any......:ugh:

Lets put a long story short.......

The WHOLE SERCO M.E. Contracts are way behind, in terms of $$$$$$$$ & any other perks IF ANY!!!

You can IMAGINE, Dubai ATCO's are in a mess, as nothing is being done to stop people leaving, so once you see that Dubai's T&C's & $$$$ are NOT GOOD,,, then... how about Sharjah's???

I'm sure you can understand what I'm trying to say... but as said before, people coming here dont stay for long or honour their Contract,,,, so that MEANS Somthing!!

Having said all this, it's up to you, but you'll ONLY find ALOT OF SAND & B***S***........

20th Aug 2007, 07:12
Extra posts were approved recently to prepare for a GMC position

Sharjah is getting a dedicated GMC position before Dubai?
You can hardly get a word in edgewise at OMDB at push time.

Red Dragon
20th Aug 2007, 12:56
Dubai has had dedicated GMC for years!
Me thinks you mean GMP...which Dubai has..at least at peak times.


20th Aug 2007, 15:25

Although we have 2 rwys, we SHOULD HAVE HAD 2 (two) ATCO's for TWR positions ASWELL!! One for EACH RWY!!:cool:

20th Aug 2007, 16:16
RD yup that's what I meant.
It should be operational 24hrs a day. You still get delayed sitting there after landing while somebody is trying to readback a clearance 3 times.

Better yet get PDC.

Red Dragon
20th Aug 2007, 16:51
PDC..great idea although more controllers would be even nicer. As in many industries in Dubai salaries/packages in the sandpit are becoming less attractive and controllers (the whores that they are) are steadily leaving for better opportunities elsewhere.
Yes there was supposed to be an ADC controller per runway, but ATC didn't have the luxury of doing it when the DCA told us to start using the new one.
Positive Rate.... I hear you, but until the new deal helps to boost staff numbers there's little we can do except try and make a crumbling operation look like it's working.

20th Aug 2007, 19:47
Well I think they could get more controllers if they allowed a wider range of people to apply. I'm not a controller so I don't know what is what. But I hear from some controller friends in the Caribbean that they can't apply since their countrie's CAA's don't have some sort of rating. I can't remember what it was called.

25th Mar 2009, 03:08
I am a retired FAA ATC and have applied for and been contacted by SERCO Middle East. What is the pay level? Two years is a longer contract then I was hoping for. What penalty is there for leaving early?


26th Mar 2009, 16:01
Steady on old boy, you havn't even got there yet and you want to quit!

Red Dragon
27th Mar 2009, 12:35
Quid Pro Quo!!

Why is it that numerous countries worldwide seem quite happy to allow foreign controllers in to manage traffic in their sovereign airspace, but the US does not? What is so different about the US that requires ATC to be done only by US citizens (who have security clearance by default)?

I know this has been raised before, but I haven't heard a plausible answer yet.



27th Mar 2009, 12:39
We will reduce level of their national security!

Scooby Don't
27th Mar 2009, 14:56
If they're really serious about national security, they should deport 90% of the taxi drivers in New York City, Washington DC and every other major city... :}

22nd Feb 2010, 19:57
Could somebody send me some email contact from the SATCO or any other person involved in recruitment? Thanks.

23rd Feb 2010, 02:55
The reason the US doesn't allow non-US controllers is because all the radar facilities, whether approach/terminal or area/center, and most tower positions, are US government jobs either thru FAA or Dept. of Defense, both government agencies. All government jobs, by law, are to be filled by US citizens. Not necessarily fair but the law nevertheless. After 9/11 I believe it will be a long time before the US will seriously consider "privatizing" the radar ATC facilities and the busier (higher paying) towers. And the security clearance isn't the "given" it was before 9/11/2001. The US with a population of 300+ million citizens can easily staff the 15,000 or so FAA controller jobs plus Defense jobs.

I'm not sure but I believe the tower jobs that have been "contracted" out to the private sector take non-US applicants but are financially unattractive when compared the government positions and many foreign tower positions.

14th Oct 2011, 23:09
I WAS CONTACTED BY SERCO SHARJAH for ATC position any one know the salary there and the work conditions.thanks

15th Oct 2011, 20:08
Are you serious.:confused:
Why not ask the person who supposedly contacted you.;)

16th Oct 2011, 11:09
thank you ,but if i would contacted them for those information i don t post in the forum :(

Late Landing
17th Oct 2011, 06:15
Eish.... I think something got lost in the translation! I notice the location changed between the first and second posts - a wind-up perhaps?