View Full Version : Visiting ATC, is it possible?

10th Aug 2007, 22:55
I am considering a career in ATC but before I apply to NATS or anything I would really like to be able to go to an ATC centre and have a look around and a chat with someone who does the job for real. Does anyone know if this is possible in the UK and how would I go about setting it up?
I actually live 1o miles from East Midlands airport so if I could visit the tower there it would be amazing.

Any help appreciated.

Andy S

11th Aug 2007, 08:16
Hi EMA747,

Visiting an ATC unit generally isn't a problem, in most cases it's actually encouraged (subject to traffic and workload at the time of course).

I'm sure if you were to get in touch with the public office/PR people/Information Desk at your local airport they'd be able to point you in the right direction to go about organising your trip.

Best of luck :ok:

11th Aug 2007, 14:25
Thanks for the reply. So best to go through the airport rather than phone the tower people themselves (if it's possible even to get their phone number)?

11th Aug 2007, 15:05
ring the tower itself and explain exactly what you'd like to do and why. They will usually be very helpful. Don't bother even asking the airport itself. You can get number from www.ais.org.uk and looking for information on the specific aerodrome you want, or just ring the airport switch board and ask for air traffic.

11th Aug 2007, 19:12
Thanks BigBoeing. :ok: I'll give that a try this coming week.

11th Aug 2007, 19:41
As an encouraging note, I was invited to visit the tower at LPL just through being a member here!:D

I have been 3 times in the past few months.

Personally, I always take a little "gift" as a thanks to the chap who gives up his time after the end of his shift to show us around. And for his colleagues to enjoy too.

A couple of bottles of wine here and there, box of assorted biscuits, chocs, that kinda thing.

It's not compulsory and not even expected, but I feel I need to show some appreciation.

Good luck with a visit and future career.


12th Aug 2007, 00:55
So, normally the ATCOs don't mind if you come back now and again? It's not just a 1 a year sort of thing? You can go every now and then, traffic load permitting?

12th Aug 2007, 01:09
I have one main contact at Liverpool tower, I have his mobile number and I ring or text when I have a friend/family interested. It's a good excuse for me to go again.

The chap at LPL usually arranges for me/us to visit at the end of his shift, so when he finishes at, say, 2pm, I can go along and spend an hour or so there, they do welcome visits it seems.

As I said, I choose to take a token of appreciation, after all, this man is giving up his own time to show us around. (Personally, I can't wait to scarper out the gate when I finish work;))

12th Aug 2007, 01:20
Right, thanks. I'm just wondering it that's the company who runs LPL and there policy. My local (Cardiff EGFF / CWL) is NATS domain, and I don't know what they're like for visits.


12th Aug 2007, 02:10
I think it's a good journey,hoho~~~

12th Aug 2007, 11:41
I was wondering as well. Would it be possible to visit the Control Tower at Manchester Airport? I have visited once when i was on Work Experience. My ambition is to become an ATCO and i was wondering would it be likely that Controllers at Manchester Airport would allow me to arrange a visit?

I do have contacts with an ATCO there and i'm sure he would maybe give it a go.



12th Aug 2007, 17:05
As an encouraging note, I was invited to visit the tower at LPL just through being a member here!Well if anyone works at EMA tower....:).

I can' seem to be able to find the phone number of EMA tower from www.ais.org.uk (http://www.ais.org.uk/). Can anyone help me find it?

almost professional
12th Aug 2007, 17:11
01332 852852 is the airport switchboard, ask to be put through to Jon Cox the ATSM, in office hours!
he should be able to organise a visit-if there is a problem then PM me and I will try to organise something with my watch

12th Aug 2007, 18:32
Thanks for that. I'll ring up this week and see what I can sort out.

13th Aug 2007, 11:33
Given your laocation, you could kill two birds with one stone by visiting Manch. a combined twr/app and centre.
Try ringing the training section on 0161 499 5315, they are usually pretty helpful.

13th Aug 2007, 12:12
The tower and app are at the airport I guess but where is the centre?

13th Aug 2007, 13:44
At the airport ;)

The APP and Area are in the same room, a few floors below the tower

13th Aug 2007, 14:21
I'd love to visit the LTN tower, I have a blue security ID pass as I work at the airport if that helps at all?

16th Aug 2007, 09:17
I arranged a visit to the local ATC for a number of us local flyers so we could gain an understanding and appreciation of what effect out activities had on them and vice versa. Spent a couple of hours there and went up to the tower too.

I have to say we had a great time and came away with a little more respect for what the ATCOs do and, I hope, they of us.

Ring them up and go and see them! It's also good to put a face to the voice :)

Regular Cappuccino
16th Aug 2007, 21:30
You beat me to it AP. Been absent for a few days and only just seen the thread.

17th Aug 2007, 07:51
I'd love to visit the LTN tower, I have a blue security ID pass as I work at the Airport if that helps at all?
No it doesn't as the Tower at LTN isn't airside anyway (but is situated inside a controlled-access security compound with a controlled entry system).

Ring NATS Luton's Admin on 01582 395229/395230 and ask to arrange a visit. They'll liaise with an ATC Watch Manager for you to fix up a mutually convenient time and date: but avoid nights, weekends & BHs when the ATC staffing tends to be minimal, and so there may not be anyone free to host you. :ok:

17th Aug 2007, 08:52
Is this possible at LBA as I've phoned the airport(not ATC) and they said no. Do you think they'll mind if I phone them direct at the ATC? I've seen the number on AIS but it's down to the old thing should I bother them directly!!!!

Julian Hensey
31st Aug 2007, 08:48
I have just come back from a visit to ATC and the ATCO's complain they are seeing far less of people than before - and here is why... I went and the car stopped at the security gate to go airside, it was underneath shoes checking, metal detectors, clear pockets, three forms to fill in triplicate, passport checked and cleared. Meanwhile I didn't even see it but security guards were doing a thorough search on my vehicle and found, god forbid, a bottle of water that I had in the car which was held until my return. Then there was the issue of the bottle of wine which had to be held back as well that I wanted to give the ATCO's as a thank you for a visit.. liquid... detained!

so it isn't the easiest start - now try bringing in say 12 students to show them around and repeat that 12 times, and by the time you have finished the form filling the shift that you wanted to see have changed over!