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23rd Sep 2007, 18:36
The problem is that, believe it or not, GF Housing actually does have some value!!!! Their contracts are well written and lock the rent for two years - which is why some landlords will not deal with them anymore.

If you want to leave during that time just inform GF and off you go - much more difficult if you sign a lease yourself.

If they simplified it so that everyone got the 650/600 per month and got rid of the fancy calculation regarding taxes etc they could save half the staff.

Finally, if GF is not going to build housing then they should use their size and influence, negotiate with one or two big landlords and rent in bulk at good rates. Pilots could then just contact the landlords agency, choose a house and off they'd go.

The fact is 650 gets you very little right now. My house was 640/month and the new tenants will be paying 850!!!!!!!! And it certainly isn't anything special. It is riduculous.

SO unless GF wants to keep increasing its housing allowance or it plans to let pilots pay out of pocket again they should begin getting creative and finding solutions.

23rd Sep 2007, 18:47
You can't stop the housing mafia for the time being. Too much money tied in to it... Where are all these training captain get their money from? see in what direction I am looking? yes theses brothers and the other ones too...

In The North
23rd Sep 2007, 19:28
If anyone decides they would prefer to look around themselves with the new housing allowance, send me a PM.

B. Bonga
23rd Sep 2007, 19:40
............also if you see a nice compound/apartments and there are several guys who are interested then am sure the landlord usually will make a concescion and give a sizeable discount. But like l said before this involves looking around ............:ok:

24th Sep 2007, 17:20
Getting your own accomodation is fine and Dandy Gentlemen, however there are is a catch, well a couple.
1. It has already been mentioned that the moment you cancel your GF contract ( only a 30 day notice required ) the Landlord turns around and throws you a curve ball by raising your rent to the tune of almost 100% (if you were on a very old lease contract). These landlords are begging for people who have rented from them based on old lease agreements to leave asap because they are restricted to raising rents by 10% a year, and its not cummulative (i.e. if you have been in accomodation for 5 yrs and he failed to raise the rent in the yester years, he can't some to you now and say i have decided to raise the rent 50%). so common sense dictates, the landlords will invite you for some chai and make nice with you as they orchestrate you to the bend over position, K-Y not included.
2. Some landlords will and can ask you for upto three months (maybe more) advance rent payment as deposit. Look into it deeply before you jump. Furthermore, the Diplomatic clause is also at their discretion, but usually not a hassle to include.

And yes I affirm the fact that the new 650 bd allowance only applies if you take the allowance and do the lease yourself. Inshort GF, doesn't want anything to do with your accomodation arrangements. (not like they were effective anyway to begin with.....)
What gives.........?:mad:

B. Bonga
24th Sep 2007, 18:49
The money that GF gives for accomodation will not get you 5 star accomodation at the current rentals in Bah. But if you spend enough time even driving from apartment to apartment in Juffair, Adliya, Muharaq etc you will find something very reasonable and comfortable. I took the money and now am not complaining. On the new package, sadly it effective from 1 Sept and not mid Aug as had been promised. The two weeks wages from mid Aug to end of Aug could have come in handy. Especially if u calculate that it includes half the rent then the new block pay etc it does work out to be a sizeable chunk of dough. But what the heck, Nov beckons............:}

3rd Oct 2007, 15:37
According to the last letter from VPFO the housing allowance issue was resolved, everything back to normal. Thanks to all of us that called or went to GF to ask for a solution and above all thanks for some management's individuals that worked hard to sort it out.
I do believe that it happened "after some intense discussions with the concerned parties" likely because some workers remain uncommitted to the project.
Together we did it!


5th Oct 2007, 11:22
Guys, with this new package we all can afford a nice 3 bedroom apartment in amwaj island. Prices ranges from 85000 to 115000 BD. Downpayment now around 10% and monthly installment for 15 years around 750 BD a month. Guess we won't have it easier than this. Call your bank advisor and get the loans dudes and make good use of your housing allowance.

B. Bonga
5th Oct 2007, 21:15
For those who want to stay in GF for a couple of years this would be a very good option. Browsed through some of the apartments the other day and must say it beats the hell out of living in Juffair:ok: and it's very close to the airport. Sadly like all others being careful, cautious l hesitated when they where first sold and have wasted loads in rental money to greedy landlords............ So if you plan to stay for a while then my 200fils of thought is buy.:cool:

6th Sep 2008, 22:02
Prices have increased dramatically since the last post of this thread. This includes rent. I hope there's another housing increases because the amount now gets you diddly squat!

7th Sep 2008, 02:47
that's because gf staff tip off the local realtors because of their involvement with them. whenever there is a raise, they will surely want their slice of the pie.