View Full Version : RNav Exam - Just taken today...query

Windy Pants
8th Aug 2007, 13:44
Out of the following list what is used for BRNAV (Basic Area Navigation)
1. NDB
3. IRS
Was I right in thinking it was only the last 3 and not NDB? I hope so as I had all 4 down then at the last minute changed it for just the last 3!

Also is Rho Rho navigation, DME DME or VOR VOR? Please tell me it's DME DME:confused:

Life's a Beech
8th Aug 2007, 14:54
Yes and yes.

8th Aug 2007, 16:34
hrumph - i took that exam and think i got both of those wrong....:{ never heard of rho rho nav before.... where did that come from!!!

see you tomorrow for a spot of comms windy?

Windy Pants
8th Aug 2007, 20:55
...comms it is, hopefully a nice easy way to finish off the week, you shooting straight off after or hanging on for a swift one?

Alex Whittingham
8th Aug 2007, 22:03
It's navigator banter. Rho is the Greek letter R, which stands for range. Theta is an angle. Thus a rho/theta fix is a fix made from an angle and a range, a rho/rho fix is made from two ranges, and so it goes on. :}

9th Aug 2007, 00:44
flaperon - whose notes were you using?


Windy Pants
9th Aug 2007, 08:24
Thanks Alex,

I was pondering over that one in the exam for ages, I was thinking about it from every angle, does Rho stand for something, like Range, Heading, but couldn't think of anything for O. I went for DME DME in the end because it was deemed to be the most accurate for RNAV. The other options were non starters, something like VDF and NDB

- it might be worth adding to your questionbank as I checked both V1 and V2and couldn't find it in your fine tool, I couldn't find the first question I posed either.

Alex Whittingham
9th Aug 2007, 16:34
Yes, I'll add it in. It's an area that has been in the syllabus for some time and so we covered it in the notes, but, until recently, has not been tested so wasn't in any of our exams. This is actually the second time I've seen this question, it came up a few months ago as well, I should have acted sooner.

It's the first time I've seen the BRNAV question and I'm still a little uncertain about it. If they mean basic RNAV equipment - as in light aircraft RNAV equipment like the KNS80 - then it only uses VOR/DME. They might alternatively mean the RNP5 standard known as B-RNAV which is mandatory in ECAC member states on the ATS route network above FL95. This allows inputs from DME/DME, VOR/DME, INS or IRS, LORAN C and GPS but not NDB, which would make your answer correct.

9th Aug 2007, 16:47
Permit me to offer an answer.

Perusing my various ops manuals, B-RNAV is supposed to meet RNP 5. (ie equal to or greater than +/- 5nm for 95% of the time) for European airspace.
The following is what's acceptable.