View Full Version : 737-400 parts

7th Aug 2007, 16:01

I am hunting for a couple of 737-400 or newer starters. These must be made of gold as I am finding them on the market at very high prices. Does anyone here at PPRUNE know where I can pick up three of these at a $52K USD target price outright? Ref P/N 3505716-6. Someone is hording these babies as I am unable to find them reasonably priced through normal inventory search methods.
[email protected]

Flying Mechanic
7th Aug 2007, 20:39
try www.barnstormers.com.

have hunt around the site, some good dealers on there.

Left Wing
8th Aug 2007, 03:29
Lion air and air aisa are phasing them out soon. a trip to asia may help you.

8th Aug 2007, 05:38
This firm will have what you need, new office in Dubai as well:

