View Full Version : New Zealand recruitment agencies

1st Aug 2007, 16:31
I have just spent the last 45 minutes scouring google and on here too trying to find a website that either links or lists Kiwi recruitment agencies.

Can anyone help at all?

All I managed to find was Rishworth NZ

1st Aug 2007, 17:29
As far as I know, they are the only NZ based agency....It's only a small country you know!

Piece of Cake
1st Aug 2007, 22:41

Have you looked at Contract Aircrew Services?


Good luck!

Best foot forward
2nd Aug 2007, 11:22
If your looking for job in NZ, most if not all the company's there do their own recruiting and don't use agencies.

2nd Aug 2007, 13:27
try www.conair.co.nz (http://www.conair.co.nz)

2nd Aug 2007, 15:34
The reason I ask is I posted a sijmilar thread ont he SE Asia forum, apparently 757 jobs via a NZ agency are being courted.

3rd Aug 2007, 02:34
Just curious as to why the South East Asia forum?

3rd Aug 2007, 18:20
Because of all the regions available, the SE Asia forum is the only one which geographically takes in Australasia.

That and I'd be surprised if the job was for anywhere else other than Asia/Far East

4th Aug 2007, 03:36
Try Downunder & Godzone.

Also, asked in other thread re same topic, whats the website for the advert?

4th Aug 2007, 15:50

Not really sure what additional service they offer to £25 per quarter subscribers. Seems yet another vulture feeding off pilot bones.