View Full Version : Questions about KGYY

29th Jul 2007, 14:57
Could someone please answer the following questions about KGYY?

1) How many 738/321-sized aircraft could concurrently park?

2) Although obviously not met, what is the total annual capacity of the terminal?

Thanks for your help.

Check 6
29th Jul 2007, 15:41
You will need to contact the airport management for this information.
Here is the airport diagram: KGYY Airport Diagram (
Here are more details (http://www.airnav.com/airport/GYY), including statistics and management phone numbers.

29th Jul 2007, 19:11
Hi Check 6,

Thanks for your reply.

Yeah, I often use Airnav, particularly the advanced search function. It's often very useful, but I posted this thread because neither it nor GYY's website could answer my questions.

Thanks again.


24th Aug 2007, 16:55
James did you get your answers?

I am based out of KGYY, currently there is 1 B737-400 sitting derelict on a ramp area, in my guess the ramps there could easily park 8-10 B737's with ease, probably up to 20 if the jet center could get their act together when towing them!

Try also Will the owner of Garyjetcenter.com or Ben the manager, they are the ones with the tugs and fuel trucks on this airport. Apart from the suburb Gary a couple of miles to the south which is a sad blight on the landscape this is a great airport, its a 25 minute drive to the city center in traffic, with very little air traffic, and easy to access from the west coast and south, coming from the east of North they have to take you down low for the last 100 miles, so expect some scenic flying at 4-6000ft for the last bit as you come under the ORD and MDW traffic.

But every airline that starts there dies very very quickly, sadly, nice terminal too.

25th Aug 2007, 13:16
I hope it's not broken again,

Thanks for your reply; it was helpful.

I did contact GYY's management but they haven't reponded. In contrast, EFD's management did respond saying that they we send comprehensive information - but that hasn't materalised.
