View Full Version : Who knows and who can help?????? (RT Help)

27th Jul 2007, 18:57
Hello to all my fellow pilots.
I was wondering whther i can pick ur brains briefly.
I am a new licence holder and very much looking forward to flying around the UK. I did however get my licence from flying in Florida, and we know that the RT in the USA is nothing like the RT in the UK, sooooo you can probably imagine what iam going to say next..........yes..........your right, it is a RT question.

I will be doing my flights from Blackbushe and wondering about the RT we use when........lets say........crossing over another airfield (not gatwick, heathrow type thing) but other small airfields like blackbushe or Biggin Hill etc. DO we have to radio them if crossing over them, even if we are above 2000ft (above there ATZ) or can we just fly over them.........i suppose good airmanship would be to radio if we are close to 2000ft??.......if we have to radio them what do we say....do we say that we are overflying them (HELP)

I understand about what we need to say to places like MATZ, but do we also have to contact them. The same goes for Danger Areas and Restricted and Prohibited......are we allowed to fly through these or not if so do we have to contact someone if we wanted to fly over the height or should we just keep well clear.

This basically goes for everything about a flying trip should i want to do one who we need to contact, when we contact, what we say.

and 1 more........in America they use Flight following....say u want to go from A to B they guide u there the safest way and let u know about other aircraft...........What is it in the UK and the VHF freq

You have probably read this and thought......"i hope this guy never flies a plane"..........

I dont (and iam sure other pilots) want to enter controlled airspace or have some Eurofighter come up alongside me rocking his/her wings, so this is basically for me and others who read this the safest way and quickest way to get to A-B.
I dont want to do a short flight that can take 45min to take 1hr30min becasue i went around every little obstacle because i was worried about whther i can go through.

Thanks for reading any help will be great (sorry it is so long)
Or any websites with alll the INfo CHeers

27th Jul 2007, 19:01
Umm, how about having a few famil flights with an instructor over here...might be safer...for all concerned, oh and it is Flight Information Service over here. Have a look at http://www.ais.org.uk/aes/pubs/aip/pdf/gen/10303.PDF for starters - free to register

27th Jul 2007, 20:57
iam having a checkride here already booked

Foxy Loxy
28th Jul 2007, 07:15
If you're flying over/near an ATZ it is always a good idea to call them, and not just out of courtesy. They should be able to tell you of traffic which may affect, and if they don't for any reason, chances are any conflicting traffic will be on the same frequency so you'll be able to work it out for yourself.

Hope this helps.

Safe flying!


29th Jul 2007, 09:46
How frightening that you have obtained a pilot license and yet don't know the difference between Restricted, Prohibited and Danger areas, never mind the rest of your post.
As you plan to do most of your flying in the UK, how about you buy a VFR chart for starters as these will tell you freqs to use and what and where any of the above areas are.


29th Jul 2007, 11:38
Dylan Smith's guide to flying in the UK for US pilots (http://www.alioth.net/flying/flyinguk/).

CAP413 Radiotelephony Manual (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=247).

30th Jul 2007, 08:46
UMMMM i never said i did not know what they are (danger etc) if u have flowen in the USA u might undersatnd, what iam going on about, and i have a VFR chart. I take it your not an instructor....

30th Jul 2007, 13:01
<......"i hope this guy never flies a plane"..........>

Well, not from Blackbushe - I live too close for comfort!!

Seriously, you are going to be flying close to some very, very busy airspace, some of which is Class A, where clockwork mice can caue problems, so do please get properly briefed with your flying club at Blackbushe before you fly.

You won't get Eurofighters rocking wings at you.. If you infringe Controlled Airspace, when you land you're simply taken away and shot!

Enjoy yourself but for Lordy's sake bring some nice weather over with you..

30th Jul 2007, 17:13
Is Diddly Dee listening? We may have advance notification of trade for you!

Umm, seriously, have a good look in the AIP and make sure that you know what it says. Have a number of flights with an instructor. If it all starts going horribly wrong, especially in a directional sense, think 121.50MHz and try to make sure you know what you're going to say!

30th Jul 2007, 23:10
Flying through Danger areas, prohibited areas or restricted areas would be a very bad idea.

It's a no brainer really, if it looks like you should avoid it....avoid it.

Get yourself some lessons in the UK, anyone coming here having learned in the States should undergo some kind of "conversion" training before being "let loose" in the UK.

kiwi chick
30th Jul 2007, 23:17
I take it your not an instructor....

What did you mean by that Daultanio?

I am... and I would have said exactly the same thing as Louby. Did I miss something?

31st Jul 2007, 09:09
Daultonio: your check instructor at Blackbushe should brief you on the local procedures but bear in mind:
You have a busy business airport 3nm south east of Blackbushe (Farnborough) who need to climb IFR departures to higher altitude than 2000ft, so if you need to cross, be prepared to route east or west rather than directly overhead. About 8nm south west is RAF Odiham. Although the MATZ is class G, it's always a good idea to request transit as this airfield has instrument procedures and a holding pattern at 3000ft; the MATZ also contains an ATZ.
As regards staying outside the class A airspace to the north east, there's a large tower visible to the north east of Blackbushe; stay south west of that and you'll be OK!

31st Jul 2007, 09:35
Do you have an FAA PPL and will you be flying N-Reg aircraft or are you planning on "converting" it to JAA PPL?

If the latter, then you should get an RT licence whereupon you will learn all this. It might also be an idea to brush up on UK Air Law as well!



3rd Aug 2007, 09:03
Daultonio has the sense to ask for help, then gets dragged over the coals for asking (with the exception of chevvron's helpful post).

Why the attitude?

He took the time to get some background info and post his questions on PPRuNe; instead of just kicking the tyres and flying off like some pilots I talk to obviously do. I'm sure his UK instructor will be able to set him straight on anything he's unsure of.

3rd Aug 2007, 19:42
I do see what everyone is saying, and yes i feel i have made a huge mistake asking a question which i thought other people would be interested in whether they are pilots from this country or not or even if they are learning, they might be interested in reading the rules, as it is in the "ATC Issues" section.
But to let all those pilots who were moaning know.
I have my RT exam completed
I have done plenty of hours in the UK i only did 30hrs in the USA bec of weather
I have a JAA
and was only asking a question for a bit of assitance, so i hope that some of you arent instructors, (not naming names)
However i do appreciate all that you ahve all said thanks again and sorry for the rude comment

Pierre Argh
4th Aug 2007, 06:30
daultonio says I have done plenty of hours in the UK - which makes me wonder why he had to ask these questions? I think he was right to ask, but as there seems to be such doubt suggest gets some direct advice (hopefully this will come on the famil flight, or through speaking to others at the flying club(s)?) He should also remember, generally, people are willing to help and a telephone call might attract more "user friendly" than he found here...
Other GA Forums exist: Another good forum can be found at:
The moderators are a bit stricter than PPRuNe, so excchanges are generally less hostile, and the user list, perhaps, more focused. I use both.