View Full Version : ME-IR Revalidation....

one day soon
23rd Jul 2007, 17:22
I have all my licences up to date but it is approaching 12months since my ME-IR so its reval time, as its my first time after passing I am aware that I can take it in a sim and that it is only a 'proficiency check' that is required not a set flight test/exam and therefore doesnt require a CAA examiner to oversee just someone who is 'JAR approved' however....

Ive read all the posts on revalidations and renewals and called the CAA today and cant seem to get a straight answer as to who this 'JAR approved' person can be?!? A school examiner? A ME-IR instructor? Someone with a current ME-IR rating?

Any help welcome as I only have a matter of days till the due date

Thanks :ok:

Linda Mollison
23rd Jul 2007, 17:58
First of all, you MUST revalidate your IR before its expiry date if you want to do it in an FNPT2. The rules were changed on March 15th this year. If you go past the expiry date you have to do the renewal in an aircraft.

You need to find an 'Instrument Rating Examiner'. There are a lot of these around, although not all of them are approved to do a revalidation in an FNPT2.

For instance, I know of at least five in Bournemouth - there are probably more than that. Contact a couple of IR schools, they should be able to give you some names.

Linda Mollison

23rd Jul 2007, 18:15
It has to be a JAA class-rating examiner with approval to conduct IR renewals - local flying schools should be able to put you in contact with someone. It is technically a 'proficiency check' but there is a specific set of exercises to be done (nearly all of those you did for your initial test!) and if you don't meet the required standard then the examiner will not revalidate your rating so make sure you're ready before you take the test.

Just a couple of points on renewing in the sim:
- the sim has to be approved for IR revalidations (easy - check this with the school / examiner);
- MEP class rating and IR(MEP) are separate ratings and you can only renew the IR bit in the sim; if you want to renew your MEP rating (or both the MEP and the IR in the same flight), this MUST be done in an aircraft.

Hope this makes it clearer!

one day soon
23rd Jul 2007, 19:37
Thanks both of you for the advice, especially the bit about....

"if you want to renew your MEP rating (or both the MEP and the IR in the same flight), this MUST be done in an aircraft."

First Ive heard of this. Im due to begin a typerating in a couple of months and was instructed that I would specifically require my "ME-IR" so need some clarification on exactly what I need

Thanks again:ok:

23rd Jul 2007, 21:07
There is no requirement to hold a Multi-Engine Class Rating prior to commencing a (first) Multi-Pilot Type Rating, however, a current and valid Multi-Engine Instrument Rating is required. Having said that some airlines do require a current and valid Multi-Engine Class Rating.

LASORS Section F4.1

Linda Mollison
24th Jul 2007, 08:17
Very few of our ex-students (those who are looking for airline jobs or who are about to start a type rating) renew their MEP, they just renew their IR. You do not need a current MEP to renew your IR (you just can't use the privileges of the IR in an MEP aircraft).

The only ones who renew their MEP are those who actually want to fly MEP aircraft.

So one-day-soon, all you need to do is to renew your IR which you can do in an FNPT2, providing you do so before the expiry date.

Linda Mollison

one day soon
24th Jul 2007, 09:00
It is an Airline providing both the job and the type rating ( thankfully managed to avoid the self funded and then hope route), and on a re-read of the email from them it does indeed state that my 'ME-IR' must be current with no mention of the multi engine class rating.

Glad to see that there are still plenty of people on here to offer help and advice. :D

Thanks to all :ok: