View Full Version : Drugs.

16th Jul 2007, 00:22
Im sure somebody put something in my drink (some sort of drug) I woke up yesterday morning feeling very hot and sick, after not having drank very much the night before. Im doing a class one medical next monday and im afraid that having traces of drugs in my system will disqualify me. Im maybe just being paranoid, but this is worrying me. The timing couldnt be worse as ive never taken drugs before.

Any advice world be appreciated.

16th Jul 2007, 05:09
Go and see you GP and ask for a blood-test. Chances are there'll be no trace of anything.

If in serious doubt, then cancel your medical for a while and learn from the experience.

If you think that a friend spiked your drink then I would seriously consider sitting down and thinking about your future with these people.

16th Jul 2007, 06:24

There are two problems with that course of action.

One is that any result will quite possibly take longer to come back than by Friday of this week.
The other is that the testing and any result thereform will appear on your medical records. These, in spite of public ignorance of the fact, are no longer your property. They belong to the government.

The probability is that, if you have ingested anything, it will wash through before the medical. There are websites which list the time taken for various drugs to pass through the system insofar as both blood and urine indications are concerned. Nasty stuff takes rather longer to vanish through the blood than the urine and far longer still to grow through the hair, if a hair sample is going to be checked, as it is at the CAA from time to time.
The best bet might be to postpone the medical, depending on what your search turns up There can only be a few drugs that might be administered for a party time wheeze? You most certainly do not want any suggestion of anything untoward in your system, come the medical.
Depending upon where you live, you might find a private clinic that would undertake a test for you with results far more rapid than your GP and the NHS and with no record. If you can't find somewhere like this on the net, telephone your lawyers and ask them who they use for DNA parental testing. That laboratory may well undertake blood or urine tests on an independent basis as well.
Good luck.:)