View Full Version : gf strike

Joe Monsoon
6th Jul 2007, 17:12
can anybody confirm that gf pilots soon to go on strike or just mass sickness???:uhoh:

7th Jul 2007, 15:57
Ok everybody...1...2...3 lets eat our crew meals:yuk:.....and presto....mass sickness:}:ok:

7th Jul 2007, 16:09
BWAHAHAHAHAHAA...LMFAO!!!! So much so that I'm nearly poohing my pants from today's catering!!

8th Jul 2007, 12:02
:DTogether we can F**K it.:D

Joe Monsoon
8th Jul 2007, 16:53
and the good part is,bn/ad is doing most of the work:}:E

8th Jul 2007, 18:00
drove Crossair and Swiss to the ground. At least Lufthansa came to the rescue. :}

vomit comet
9th Jul 2007, 10:50
together we can sink it! i am sure thats what the board and the bahraini goverment want:E why not help them achieve their goal:E:E:E