View Full Version : Job oppurtunites in SA?

Loud n proud
22nd Aug 1999, 11:13
I realise with all the chaos in the aviation industry in SA at the moment that any jobs will be in short supply.( ie 66 pilots looking for work due to Sunair.)

However, what is the actual situation at the moment with the other airlines and their recruitment processes. ie SAA, Comair and Nationwide. Rumour had it, before the closure of Sunair, that these airlines were all on a recruitment drive?

Any info would be very much appreciated.

Any fellow SA's who would like to know more about whats going on in the UK with regards to aviation, feel free to email me.
[email protected]

Good luck.

"Come to the edge," He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge,"
He said. They came. He pushed them...and they flew.--


[This message has been edited by Loud n proud (edited 22 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Loud n proud (edited 22 August 1999).]

depressed Captain
21st Oct 1999, 21:50
Its very difficult to get a work permit in SA. I wanted to get a job myself there.
