View Full Version : Social and economical benefits of being an ATCO

4th Jul 2007, 07:16
Hi to everybody!
We are trying to establish a system of benefits for ATCOs in Ukraine, as it is underdeveloped now. So If anybody can explain me the situation in other countries, I would be really greatful! It would be very useful to know how ATCOs are stimulated with the geining more experience. How is the salary calculated in various units with different traffic?
Thanks for any info!

7th Jul 2007, 07:33
Hi Alexey,

Just to start the ball rolling for you:

Australia (no not Austria!) has an incremental scale of about 16 pay levels. There are also 2 trainee pay levels below that. Most controllers (ENR, TWR and TCU) all go up one year/one pay level until they reach the top. The top is higher for Sydney (extra levels for complexity or something) and lower for Regional tower workers. The rest end up at about level 13 (and there they stay!).

We also have a 36 hour week, unlimited single sick days without certificate and various rostering guidelines.

Not sure if this is the sort of info you are after but good luck on the search :-)


7th Jul 2007, 15:23
Privyet Alexey
Form a union or staff association who can negotiate terms and conditions on your behalf. A union will have more leverage if you can promote membership throughout the whole ATC network of both big and small ATC units.
Do your laws permit this?
Na vashe zdoviye, dos vidanya.