View Full Version : Robbinson 22/44 crash at La Mercy Durban

hot 'n dusty
22nd Jun 2007, 17:25
Good day. Rumour has it that A Robbinson R22/44 ? crashed at La Mercy Airfield, Durban South Africa, earlier today.

Does anyone have any info? how many souls on board? Any one hurt? If so I wish them a speedy recovery!:(

Dct no speed
22nd Jun 2007, 18:11
No news, but can confirm that from a SA source!

23rd Jun 2007, 11:09
Local news reports 2 injured in an R44 crash "on the N2 highway".

APPARENTLY (I.E. I'm repeating a rumour) it was a Netstar chopper that hit a pole (presumably a streetlight) on final for the pad at Greystone. Pilot has head injuries and the tracker has a broken hip. Don't know their names.

There are more details on another, African, aviation forum. (Don't know if I can name it here?).

Get well soon guys.

26th Jun 2007, 20:05
ZSRVZ crashed departing Greystone Park in an easterly direction. It struck the mast on the corner of the Netstar building with it's main rotors, and struck the ground hard. The mast had the weather equipment mounted to it.

The Netstar employee suffered a dislocated hip. Pilot is ok.