View Full Version : JAA - FAA Nigeria

5th Oct 2001, 12:33
I notice from recent posts on this forum, that some of the contributors are quite conversant with recent developments within the aviation industry in Nigeria.

I have just embarked on the ATPL course, but now sticking to the modular route (done the PPL, class one medical, now doing the night rating + hours building). Does anyone know if the Nigerian aviation is going to be affected further by the global recession, and how the industry in Nigeria survived during the last recession?

After a recent conversation with some of the duds flying for some of oil companies out there, I was told that JAA licenses were preferred to FAA licenses, can you guys verify this (i.e. is this the general belief within the Nigerian aviation industry as a whole). As I guess am in a position to complete the FAA one in about 4 - 6 months.


[ 05 October 2001: Message edited by: Dotun ]

6th Oct 2001, 02:56
You don't say if you're doing a plank-wing or a rotary-wing licence. However, Nigeria changed to NCAR-OPS3 a few months ago, so you'd probably find that a JAR licence is very acceptable right now. Having said that FAA licences never seem to be a problem in Nigeria. If you're in rotary aviation then there are a lot of job vacancies right now. Even if the number of contracts were to be affected by a recession, the majority of pilots flying there at present are in their mid fifties and will need to be replaced over the next few years. :cool:

8th Oct 2001, 13:10
Thanks Soggyboxers for the reply. I am into fixed-wing. Just out of interest, have you had the opportunity to fly in both Nigeria and Europe (or other parts of the world)? If you have, have you got anything interesting to share, in terms of your observations?
Rotary wing pilots seem to have always been in demand in Nigeria I guess that's because of their ability to land in remote areas during oil exploration. I knew two guys about 10 years ago who were both flying for Bristows helicopter, sadly, they are both dead now. Thanks.
