View Full Version : BMED

31st May 2007, 13:29
Hi all,

Could someone tell me if BMED do height checks during interviews?

Does anyone currently work for them?

31st May 2007, 14:32
At my interview there were no measurements taken. It might be something they check in training. But remember it is a legal requirement for cabin crew to be over 5'2".

31st May 2007, 14:49
Thank you for your reply!

I m just a bit worried as at one interview i was 5ft 2in and i recently went to a Virgin interview who measured me and said i was just under 5ft 2in.

I dont want to waste any airlines time.

31st May 2007, 15:48
Try and get a friend/partner to measure you - even make an appointment with a nurse at your local surgery!

Get your posture right! Even just standing incorrectly can make you lose those vital measurements.

When I was measured a few years ago by a nurse I was just over 5'6" but then the lady at BA who measured me said I was 5'5"! Where on earth did I lose that inch?

If you have an interview with BMED do go, and if you are worried ask them to measure you.

1st Jun 2007, 10:34
Thanks fo your advice.

I spoke to a cabin crew manager by email who in fact asked me would i like to come for an interview and i told him of my height problem.

He said if the dr said you are 5ft 2in then thats fine.

I am looking at flights and i can get to into terminal 1 at 8.00am and my interview is at 8.45am do you think i will make it across to terminal 4 in time?


1st Jun 2007, 10:52
You'll be cutting it a bit fine, 45 mis from landing to Hetherington House. Its a bit of a trek, and you would want to arive at the interveiw fresh and awake. So I recomend you book yourself into a hotel the night before, probably be a bit more money then your wanting to spend, but arriving at the interview not streesed or rushed will make you feel more confident, and you need to 'invest' in your carreer. Try the Jurys Inn Heathrow rates start from £80 I think and its just up the road from Hethering ton House. St Giles Hotel in Feltham may be cheeper. All the Best. Its a great airline to work for.

Mick Strigg
1st Jun 2007, 11:10
Did you know that you are taller in the morning than you are in the afternoon? As the day goes on, your spine compresses.

Get measured in the morning and you will be okay!

2nd Jun 2007, 17:13
Hi Everyone. I am starting my training with BMED on the 17th of July. Could anybody tell me what the salary and roster is like with BMED? Thanx...

2nd Jun 2007, 17:31
Hi. Is there anybody over there who can post a BMED roster???? Thanx...

2nd Jun 2007, 17:42
I start in a couple of weeks and would also like to know!!
And... in regards to the roster, how long do you tend to stay downroute for? So many questions! Do we receive pre-course work and what about uniforms?

I'll think of some more questions :8

2nd Jun 2007, 19:33
Aren't these the sort of questions you should be asking in the interview? lol :ugh:

2nd Jun 2007, 19:59
Yes but I forgot to ask them!

2nd Jun 2007, 21:12
I wonder if the thread entitled "BMED" may be of interest. :)


3rd Jun 2007, 08:56
We get our rosters on 15th/16th of each month, they are emailed to you. Our trips vary from 2 days-5 days downroute. Salary really depends on how many trips in a month you do, the longer trips obviusly pay you more money as we get an hpurly rate when were away from base.
Hope this helps.

5th Jun 2007, 14:12
here's a fairly busy one

1jun. day off
2. london baku
3. layover baku
4. baku-london
5/6 day off
7. london ankara aleppo
8. layover aleppo
9. layover aleppo
10.aleppo ankara london
11/12.day off
13.london tbilisi bishkek (arrival next morning)
14.layover bishkek
15.layover bishkek
16.bishkek tbilisi london
17/18day off
19.london beirut (arrival early hours next day)
20.beirut-addis ababa (night shuttle there and back)
21.addis ababa beirut (arrival early morning)
22.layover beirut
23.beirut london
24/25/26 day off
27.london baku
28.layover baku
29. baku london
30. london tehran (night flight arrival next morning)
1jul layover tehran
2 tehran london

5th Jun 2007, 17:06
now thats a roster. thank god i decided not to start for bmed........if this is a common roster.....puuuh! this is hard work darling

5th Jun 2007, 17:37
What was was your previous job? The rosters at BMED are good, and it definatly isnt classed as hard work. If you look at the destinations you do a 5 hour flight to Aleppo, and stay there 2 whole days, Beirut: 4 hours 30 flight time, and its a 5 day trip, yes there is a shuttle to Addis, but all you do is get on board, hand out a couple of drinks then sit and read. Life is easy for now at BMED.