View Full Version : Shoes for girls

10th May 2007, 12:28
Hey everyone

hope someone can help! I start with bmi and have a problem I'm tall and dont like high shoes and i ve bought a pair out of marks and spencer that are pain navy and heel of 2 inchs and there a half size where most shops dont do halfs. Now as i understand at bmi we have to were 2 pairs of shoes now is this true or can i wear these shoes doing both or can i used the 2 inch shoes to the aircraft and find another apir that are pain that are smaller heel from wearing onboard? please help i mean can take these shoes i bought back but the fit so well as i have weird sized feet!

Thanks xx

10th May 2007, 13:47
hello blondechick thos M+S 2inch shoes are fine to wear day to day as i have those but we have to wear 1 or 1-1/2 inch heels on board (correct me if im wrong anybody) i forgot which! most girls change shoes when they get onto the aircraft or others just buy 1inch shoes and dont bother changing. i do as im a short a*se and like my 2 inch (if i could I would wear much higher).hope that helps! Uniforms should have some (cabin) shoes but i must be trueful not the most stylish of numbers:}
they also do half sizes but bear in mind your feet swell up when your upstairs (my terminology for flying) so it maybe best to get a inch or half shoesize bigger:)

10th May 2007, 14:06
:) while on the subject of shoes does anyone know of a good website that offers stylish but yet practical navy work shoes?????? (for women)x

10th May 2007, 14:56

no feelings were suppose to be hurt in the making of the posting but i shall think twice when posting about the subject in the future:)

10th May 2007, 20:15
Thanks guys i'll go and see if i can get a pair of shoes in a smaller heeel from onboard. :)