View Full Version : Emb Contracts

27th Apr 2007, 21:44
Does anyone know if Flybe, Flybaboo, or any other Euro Emb operators hire for contract pilots?

Have an E.U. Passport but only ICAO ATPL, not JAR.



28th Apr 2007, 08:30
Flybe dont; they've got more than enough volunteers for the slots available.

fatboy slim
28th Apr 2007, 11:01
What sort of EMB and how much time?

If 145 and 500hrs+, there may be some Legacy contract work available through the operators based at LTN or STN.

28th Apr 2007, 15:37
Thanks for the replies.

I've got 3000 + and 500 + on the Emb 170/175/190/195 series.

Cheers. :)