View Full Version : Flying N reg aircraft in Europe.

Flying Mechanic
21st Feb 2002, 04:24
Hi there fellow aviators!. .Are there many Pilots out there flying FAA reg aircraft around Europe.I am a Pilot/Mechanic with a FAA ATP and A&P and was wondering what the prospects are like for some one like myself.I have been flying out in Oz for a few years and the new to the flying scene in Europe.Any help/ suggestions/info will be really appreciated.I start a Engineering job on monday so hopefully I will be able to start making a few contacts.

23rd Feb 2002, 23:43
Quite a lot af Biz aircraft are "N" registered in Europe actually.. .I am myself a "N" Seneca jockey, but I guess you may be more interested by Bizjet than Bizprop !. .The only thing I can confirm about flying a "N" corporate or Biz A/C is that it involves luck and networking !. .Where in Europe will you work ?

24th Feb 2002, 03:39
There are also more and more Bermuda (VP-B..) or Cayman (VP-C..) and even Aruba (P4-...) registered A/C all over Europe, all of them will accept FAA or OZ licences.

Good Luck.


Flying Mechanic
24th Feb 2002, 03:45
Hi there Porco!. .I have just sent you an e-mail.I will going to work in the Channel Islands.I dont really mind what sort of aircraft I fly, as most of my experience is on Pistons so thats what I will aim for.I have a bit of Turbo Prop time but only as F/O.Working in the hangar is always a good way to make a few contacts and to suss out the scene.. .All the best FM.

Flying Mechanic
24th Feb 2002, 03:47
SPEECH,. .Must appreciated for that information,I will check out that avenue aswell.. .Cheers FM