View Full Version : Air India Express (Rishworth)

7th Apr 2007, 13:38
Does anyone have any information on the Air India Express contract via Rishworth Aviation.
I am seriously considering going for this contract but would like to get some first hand information from Pilots over there.
I have the basic details from the agency but would like to know what the roster pattern is (particularly for the TRI's).
What percentage of time is in the SIM compared to flying time.
How often do you end up down route.
What are the living conditions like locally ie outside the hotel or do you just not venture outside until your 14 days off.
Can you take a ticket to any of their destinations for your days off or must you return to the base/home destination every month.
Also any info on Rishworth / agency work in general would be appreciated as I've never contracted before.
Any information from guys doing the job would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks:ok:

7th Apr 2007, 14:05
Air India Express is under a recruitment ban. The following was copied from the IFALPA web site:

"Request for Mutual Assistance – IPG (India)

As you will be aware; IFALPA issued a Recruitment Ban in respect of Air India some time ago after the company suspended the bargaining rights of the Indian Pilots’ Guild (IPG). However, Air India has sought to circumvent the ban by recruiting into its subsidiary companies Air India Charters Limited (AICL) and Air India Express (AIX), and is also using agencies such as Rishworth and Sigmar Aviation. The IPG has therefore requested that we make clear that the Recruitment Ban applies to all companies in the Air India group.

Air India is also scouting the world for simulator training and therefore the IPG has additionally requested the Denial of Training Facilities.

I would therefore be grateful if you could update this request from the IPG for implementation of the following Mutual Assistance Policies:
Request for Recruitment Ban (I Manual 2.4.2)
Request for Denial of Training Facilities (I Manual 2.4.3)"

15th Apr 2007, 18:29
As on date the IFALPA ban on recruitment in Air India and its subsidairies remains in effect.