View Full Version : Simulator ck 747-200

30th Mar 2007, 08:10
:ugh: Dear friends,next week i will have a simulator evaluation on B747-200,
they told me to be on relax,because they will askme only row data with basic IFR exercise.Just to know if somebody on forum is able to give me some info about PWR setting for T.O. CLB CRZ clean man speed at medium WEIGHT, attitude for T.O.,STRAIGHT LEVEL FLIGHT,flaps setting,etc,etc

30th Mar 2007, 09:12
ocean? ciao

Luke SkyToddler
30th Mar 2007, 09:22
Strange sim assessment if they don't even give you one briefing page with the basic power settings / speeds / attitudes they are looking for? Especially for a big thing like a 742.

I've got some stuff from the Cathay sim assessment (also 747 classic), pm me your email and I'll send it to you.

20th Apr 2007, 21:43
The fast slow indicator in the attitude indicator is connected to the INS. It actually does what the A/T would have done, so even before your speed deviates, the doughnut will deviate. Keep the doughnut in the middle, and you will be just fine. The doughnut reacts so quickly that you just move the thrust levers until it is centered.

If you are level you can also use the mach indicator, as it has three digits. The third digit will tell you if you are increasing or decreasing speed.

Willit Run
21st Apr 2007, 22:41
747-200, not sure what engines you have, but don't worry about power settings! if you can look at the engine instruments, you can look at your airspeed indicator!
15 degrees for take off, 10 degrees for initial acceleration, 5 degrees for acceleration to cruiese speed, and 2.5 degrees for level flight, no flaps. If you use these numbers for initial pitch and have a good scan, you will look good.
steep turns, put the top of the ball on 5 degrees, you'll look good, keep the scan going!

Its an easy plane to fly, mastering the P-10 panel will take some time, but they won't pop you on that.