View Full Version : Parachute drop flying

14th Mar 2007, 01:17
Hi there,
I am just wondering if you are able to be a drop pilot in the USA on a FAA PPL? Any replies would be appreciated

16th Mar 2007, 04:15
no, it requires a CPL

16th Mar 2007, 14:51
well if the person you drop is without parachute:} you can drop him with your ppl:E

16th Mar 2007, 18:59
"As long as reasonable steps are taken to ensure the safety of people and property on the ground," If I still vaguely remember that FAR. Doesn't say anything about the guy you dropped...

Seriously, you do need the CPL. Sorry.

16th Mar 2007, 21:50

While that's possible in some places, the USA isn't one of them. The issue is flying for compensation or hire. A pilot flying in the US can do so on a private under very narrowly defined circumstances...but dropping parachutists isn't one of them. The FAA even considers the logging of flight time as compensation, and applies that againt the privileges and limitations of the private pilot.

The good news is that 250 hours isn't much, and that nets you a commercial pilot certificate. That and a second class medical is all you need to start beating down the doors of drop zones everywhere. The pay is bare bones unsurvivable, but it's a fun job...and it's a start. Most drop zones want jump pilots who are also jumpers.

Good luck.