View Full Version : X-pats in India

rnwy crshr
3rd Mar 2007, 19:30
I'm a recently retired "bus" driver. I've had several offers to work in India. Has anybody experienced or heard about living there and working for some of these companies? Indigo Airlines, Kingfisher Airlines and Air Deccan.
Anything helpful would be appreciated.

8th Mar 2007, 14:58
Salaries are good,its the environment you have to get used to.
Forget what you knew about your place,come here adjust the first couple of months and you will be fine.

Remember this is Asia,nothing is for granted you have to work your way through,but dont get dissapointed,you will make it ok.

Hygienic matters are important,so dont forget to have your vaccinations done(i have done polio,hepattitis A&B,flu influenza,cholera,pneumonia),malaria pills can get you drowsy and are prescribed mostly for visitors for couple of weeks,above that they re damaging ur liver.

Food water only in good restaurants and hotels,sealed mineral water only,light clothes temperatures here are summer like,and patience things here work their own way.

Aviation here is booming so im sure you will get a position.

All the best

8th Mar 2007, 15:38
I have seen several Deccan pilots here in the UK for their sims. Bluddy good standard, generally.

9th Mar 2007, 01:16
Kingfisher is by the far the best of the lot there. Its not a low cost, you are fed and watered and looked after extremely well.