View Full Version : If Carlsberg made WRAF....

9th Jan 2007, 21:54
see here...


PS Completely sexist and inappropriate...Sorry...


Talking Radalt
9th Jan 2007, 22:03
I'd love to know what the lyrics are saying..... :E

10th Jan 2007, 08:50
Thoroughly weird - shows that we'll never really manage our dealings with them 'til we understand their mind-set. I followed a couple of the other links - interesting to see how many PLA were considered necessary in HK once we'd moved out. Enjoyed seeing a quick clip of Sek Kong toward the end - a long time since I lived there.
A further link showed a different side of the Chinese armed forces and their methods. Take a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHv9EplqZGU&NR

10th Jan 2007, 09:04
They march a lot, don't they?

10th Jan 2007, 10:36
What no shower scenes????:E

Talking Radalt
10th Jan 2007, 12:06
"Oh I used to be a WRAF,
And I was rather fat,
But I joined the Chinese Army,
And got a nice new hat.
Marching up and down all day,
It really can be fun,
And what with all that exercise
I've lost my "issue" bum..."

10th Jan 2007, 12:47
This one's got LOCKED written all over it, surely?

10th Jan 2007, 12:47
I enjoyed the Morecambe and Wise bit at the end.......................

Talking Radalt
10th Jan 2007, 13:27
Any comment from down Uxbridge way? :E

psy clops
10th Jan 2007, 14:48
interesting to see how many PLA were considered necessary in HK once we'd moved outJust for information, there is no sign of mainland military here now. Actually, apart from the change of the logo on the police badge, it's pretty hard to notice any change.

I'd love to know what the lyrics are saying
I can get the karaoke song translated if you are really interested..? Probably along the lines of:

We're great; we're great
and there are loads of us

bad livin'
10th Jan 2007, 15:26
Outstanding chinstrap use.

10th Jan 2007, 15:45
Ive had the song translated at great expense, it goes.....

Oh can you,
Oh can you,
imagine all of us ,
every single one of us,
in the showers after this parade,
giggling and laughing and losing the soap,
It's a tight squeeze as there are 30,000 of us but we don't care,
He he he, ho ho ho

repeat and fade.

It only rhymes in mandarin and it is sung to the tune of Three Blind Mice.

10th Jan 2007, 16:22
I know it's a cliche but they all look the same!

10th Jan 2007, 16:40
I know it's a cliche but they all look the same!

I think that has more to do with the uniform than anything else, imagine what the RAF version would be like, no two people dressed the same.

It seems China is a nation proud of its military:cool:

ALWAYS assume NEVER check

bad livin'
10th Jan 2007, 16:44
Chutley - at least the gals in the video only require a strap for one chin.

Talking Radalt
10th Jan 2007, 17:07
I know it's a cliche but they all look the same!
What? All the fatties at IOT? :uhoh:

Colonal Mustard
10th Jan 2007, 18:38
Its a Classic K A R A O K E version

Win hong a wong wong lung dong baat
shin chun meow meow peow

wun hung low Tai bin tat daat

Tsk get with it lads, I for one will be asking for a full rendition during a drunken evening from the mess next time i`m passing :ok:

10th Jan 2007, 18:44
Kong see fat choi = Happy New year - bound to be in there somewhere...

10th Jan 2007, 19:21
I like the way it ends with them marching off into the Nuclear Winter!:cool:
The dance routine was a bit repetitive......:}

10th Jan 2007, 20:29
I bet that after you've had one of those, you fancy another 20 minutes later. :\

Talking Radalt
10th Jan 2007, 21:59
One thing's for certain, X-Factor's gonna need a bigger studio next year. :uhoh:
'Course like any real military they leave the ruff stuff to the boys.....
Cue guns, fighting and big trucks!

And then there's.......Criff Lichard!

11th Jan 2007, 02:03
Don't think that stage routine will catch on at the disco's for some reason.

Arthur's Wizard
11th Jan 2007, 20:59
Can't view it because it says I have Javascript turned off. How do I turn it on?:confused:

Solid Rust Twotter
12th Jan 2007, 04:58
How do I turn it on?:confused:

Tell it you love it and buy it flowers?

14th Jan 2007, 07:53
Can't view it because it says I have Javascript turned off. How do I turn it on?:confused:

Ah ha! You're trying to view from a computer at work aren't you? These things, just like ebay and google images, have been turned off by the fun police so you do more work at work and spend less time surfing the net.:=

NB. Ebay is available after 1800hrs (useful if you're a shift-worker like me).

Arthur's Wizard
14th Jan 2007, 12:43

Nope, I'm at home, but still can't view it. The site tells me that either I don't have the lates version of Flashplayer or I have Javascript turned off. I have downloaded and installed the newest Flashplayer and my very limited techy brain has done what it can with my internet options, but I'm obviously doing something wrong as I keep getting the same message every time I try to play the clip.:{

14th Jan 2007, 13:25
Arthur's Wizard


Internet Explorer
Internet Options
Custom Level

I'm not absolutely sure after that but I think that you should then select "scripting" or "Java Applets" to be enabled. You'll probably have to re-boot your computer before they take effect.

14th Jan 2007, 13:48
back to the original thread title...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Talking Radalt
14th Jan 2007, 14:24
"This staff sergeant's alleged action does not meet the high standards we expect of our airmen, nor does it comply with the Air Force's core values of integrity, service before self, and excellence in all we do.

I'd have thought getting one's butt in to Playboy was pretty excellent! Service before self? Yeah, tell me that centrefold wasn't on every crewroom wall. Good on 'er. :ok:
It's yet another case of the miltary in general wanting to portray it's personnel as normal people, then getting all uppity when they turn out to be a bit more normal than first expected.

14th Jan 2007, 15:48
The above youtube adventures got me searching on chinese air force stuff. I'd heard of the J-10 before, but any clues on the 'F-22' type creation in the first seconds of this video? Looks like its all photoshoped, though the "in hanger" shot with panels open / red covers on looks like quite a convincing prototype....


14th Jan 2007, 16:16
does not meet the high standards we expect of our airmen

Doesn't meet the gender we expect of our airmen.