View Full Version : Part 66 courses at Oxford

24th Nov 2006, 13:35
Hi all

My Husband is currently thinking about doing some courses at Oxford for his Part 66, I was just wondering if anyone has done any of these previously and how good they were.


BAe146s make me cry
24th Nov 2006, 15:49
I can recommend Oxford for the more difficult modules.

Get him to self study what he can though, plenty of
material out there - refer airmech.co.uk for more
specific info.

Club66pro.com being a super tool to practice with..:)

Good luck and don't forget, EASA & the UKCAA think all
this is a game :eek:


BAe146 and 131-11-00 Bzzt! Zap! Ouch! ??:{ :{

24th Nov 2006, 16:20

an alternative to Oxford that you may want to look at is City of Bristol, Filton, the advantage is that the College offer "short course" crammers, these are aimed for experienced licensed engineers converting to Part 66, or ex Forces or otherwise trained people wishing to obtain Part 66.
The main advantage that Bristol can offer is CAA Approved in house examinations, therefore the exam can be taken on the final day of the course, rather than book ahead and wait for a CAA venue.
These short courses are rather intensive, but the Company that I work for has enjoyed a very high pass rate, both on normal length and short courses, but a high level of commitment is required, lots of self study and a good understanding of the subject is needed before the short course, this is a cheaper and quicker option than a full Part 66 Training Course.
Please PM if you require contact details,

Best regards,

24th Nov 2006, 17:43
I did a short module course down in Oxford, found it very useful, However at the time they did not run the exams you had to sit the Part 66 exams elsewhere. I also did some at Perth in Scotland and found that very good as you can do the Part 66 exam the day the course ends.

26th Nov 2006, 19:05
Thanks all.

I think he may go for the Bristol route as it seems to be cheaper. I hope they don't get booked up too far in advance. He has been using the likes of club66pro.co.uk. He has currently passed a few modules.

How much knowledge do you need beforehand? He is specifically looking at modules 3,4,5 & 10 at the moment. He has been working on aircrafts for about 12 years.

29th Nov 2006, 04:42
I have just aquired my 66 july this year[B1.3], been in industry almost 30 yrs in various roles did my modules over a 2 1/2 year period all self study mostly unaided and found it a really hard,long slog and at the end YOU must have the currency as specified by easa on type to get the elusive ticket. If he`s a&c 3,4,5 wil prove hard work and 10 is tricky but the elation of hearing the thud on the doormat of your part 66 licence is a moment to savour!!!

29th Nov 2006, 11:16
Dates for the modules "Short Courses" at City of Bristol are as follows,
Module 3 22/01/07 to 02/02/07.
Module 4 05/03/07 to 07/03/07
Module 5 12/03/07 to 16/03/07
Module 10 26/02/07 to 02/03/07.

these are annual only, so miss this year you will have to wait until 2008,
as been mentioned, these require solid self study beforehand, the contact number to book courses and general info is Administration 01173125980.
Good luck.