View Full Version : ATOTN

28th Oct 2006, 14:10
Dear All

does anyone have a clue where to apply for an ATOTN connection ?

i spoke to NATS comms center @ Heathow and got my AFTN , but when i mentioned ATOTN they had no clue :ugh:

any ideas anyone

Thanks in advnce

31st Oct 2006, 22:48
Dear All

does anyone have a clue where to apply for an ATOTN connection ?

i spoke to NATS comms center @ Heathow and got my AFTN , but when i mentioned ATOTN they had no clue :ugh:

any ideas anyone

Thanks in advnce

I might sound thick here, But should you not be in the AirTragic thread? :rolleyes: This is the Engineering one......... must be a controller huh :O

see http://www.pprune.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18