View Full Version : China Airlines' Medical

14th Oct 2006, 03:08
Hi everyone,

I need some information regarding to applying for China Airlines. I wear glasses, can I still apply for the FO position? I also heard that running on the treadmill is part of the medical, just wondering how long do applicants have to run? Why do they check running on the treadmill?


14th Oct 2006, 06:29
Hi everyone,

I need some information regarding to applying for China Airlines. I wear glasses, can I still apply for the FO position? I also heard that running on the treadmill is part of the medical, just wondering how long do applicants have to run? Why do they check running on the treadmill?


It's called a treadmill stress test and is fairly normal for checking heart functions. You don't actually run. Read this (http://www.torrancememorial.org/cartst.htm)

14th Oct 2006, 08:46
I have had one of those before. Dont be scared it just tests heart function under stress. The run you till you get to the required rate, whatever that may be(a doc may be able to help with the details) If you are very fit it might take you a while to stress your heart to that point, for me it only took about two and a half min to get there then you hold it for a bit and thats it. A mate of mine who is much fitter than me took more than ten min and the doc had to keep increasing the effort level. In short dont worry if you have a healthy heart you cant fail.

14th Oct 2006, 11:21
In short dont worry if you have a healthy heart you cant fail.

Worth pointing out that one form of failure would be a massive heart attack while on the treadmill. :uhoh: :E


14th Oct 2006, 14:23
Thanks guys, that’s really interesting. So what about near eyesight and wearing glasses?

15th Oct 2006, 09:14
Yeah that would be catastrophic.....UBPilot I think what our friend is trying to say is that if you want to pass try not to die on the treadmill.

As for the glasses, i dont know much about that but as long as your vision is correctable to 20/20 you should be fine. Although I hear the China Airlines medical is quite tough.

17th Oct 2006, 00:45
I timed my stress test the last time I went in there and it took me exactly 20 minutes on the thredmill, oh be prepare to drop your pants and spread your butt cheeks test, that's the scrariest part:} , I think they check for hemorroids. Goodluck and enjoy TPE. :ok:

19th Oct 2006, 12:43
oh be prepare to drop your pants and spread your butt cheeks test, that's the scrariest part:} , I think they check for hemorroids.

That's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! What does hemorroids have anything to do with flying an airplane?:bored:

26th Oct 2006, 04:44
That's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! What does hemorroids have anything to do with flying an airplane?:bored:

ubpilot. Not knowing about stress test's and the problems associated with serious hemorrohoids for both the pilot and employer suggests you may not have sufficient 'life' experience to cut it with China Airlines but I wish you luck anyway.

26th Oct 2006, 15:51
They aren’t checking for “hemorroids” they are doing a “prostate exam” checking for an enlarged prostate which can be a sign of prostate cancer - one of the most common forms of cancer in men.
Holy s-it where are you guys from!!!!

27th Oct 2006, 16:21
The only stress test at CAL is putting up with the crap you have to deal with. If you are able to tune out the crap I guess life can be stress free.

28th Oct 2006, 06:58
Had good friend lose a job contract with domestic carrier in China because he has a metal knee joint. They view him as being disabled and don't want him driving.

I work out with this guy. We jog, shoot hoops, play handball, ski, swim, bike, and after a few beers we chase the local skirts for shag or two. Fun guy, very active. But far from being disabled.

Recruiter told him the CN doc's just don't know what to do when they come accross different, so they "cull em out".

28th Oct 2006, 08:11
maybe the shaggin' did him in! :}

28th Oct 2006, 08:22
Thanks guys, that’s really interesting. So what about near eyesight and wearing glasses? /////// hi if youre trying to get a job in taipei with the airlines there, your medical should be astronaut qualified,thread mill is up to stage 5,each stage is 3min and inclined from 3-12 degrees,if you can finish up to STAGE 4 then youre ok, gu luck as the chinese say....

28th Oct 2006, 08:26
That's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! What does hemorroids have anything to do with flying an airplane?:bored://///// HEMORROIDS AFFECTS YOUR SITUATIONAL AWARENESS AND DECISION MAKING AS WELL,as how confucius say.....

28th Oct 2006, 17:10
They aren’t checking for “hemorroids” they are doing a “prostate exam” checking for an enlarged prostate which can be a sign of prostate cancer - one of the most common forms of cancer in men.
Holy s-it where are you guys from!!!!

Well I guest the Doctor in TPE lied to me when he told me "I'm checking for hemorroids". This is TPE medical not HKG, just to make sure we're on the same page.

29th Oct 2006, 04:10
I had the same medical in TPE at (Sung Shang)spl?... several times...usually that type of exam is for Prostate and that is the main reason for it... now if you complained about hemorroids he could have checked for that as well... however most people know if they have hemorroids thanks to the blood coming out of you when you sh-t....that said no telling what a Doctor in TPE will say to you so sorry... didn't mean to ruffle your feathers.

29th Oct 2006, 07:17
Very funny, the AMEs in TPE only check for hemorroids during your initial evaluation and after that no more bending over. Did you say you did it for several times? hmmmmmm :}

29th Oct 2006, 14:12
I had several medicals in TPE, never did get the rubber glove in TPE however, but it is not uncommon after you turn 40 for most medical exams, to get it once a year or every other year, could save your life....but be carefull if you find the Doctor has a hand on each of your shoulders....:= :yuk:

I didn't know CAL hired expat AME's....

30th Oct 2006, 03:58
I'm not going to have a pissing contest with you over a stupid check, but I think you're missing the big picture, all I'm trying to say is they have weird medical evaluation.

AME stands for Aviation Medical Examiner, and no CAL don't hire expat AMEs, CAA is the one doing the checking for their pilots.:rolleyes:

30th Oct 2006, 16:10
No pissing my friend...you are totaly correct Medicals in TPE are strange.... sorry for the confusion AME in Canada stands for "Aircraft Maintenance Engineer "

30th Oct 2006, 22:02
/////// thread mill is up to stage 5,each stage is 3min and inclined from 3-12 degrees,if you can finish up to STAGE 4 then youre ok, gu luck as the chinese say....

during the 5 stages, how fast do you have to run?