View Full Version : Singapore B747 Classic Cargo airline??

30th Sep 2006, 11:06
Flightdeck recruitment.com posted an advert on Sept 8th for B747 Classic captains/Fos for a Singapore based scheduled cargo operator. What airline is this?

30th Sep 2006, 12:40
I don't know the name, but it's founded by the ex-management of ex-Valuar (i.e. the first "budget airline" in SIN that went nearly bankrupt and was bought by Jetstar Asia). They are also ex-SIA and seem to be connected. Rumours say that they have some profitable contract to the US.

1st Oct 2006, 02:04
hi dani h,

check your private message please.


4th Oct 2006, 10:57
If it's the same one we're talking about, the airline was registered by an ex SQ Captain, who, I personally feel, is socially &#*:mad:#&*(#&. No connection to SQ in the slightest and no connections anywhere else.

The Chief Pilot and Director of Flt Ops are ex-Valuair drivers.

Don't think they'll start operations anytime soon..... funding issues.

My advice, don't hold your breath.