View Full Version : Weekend Contracting

Navy Blue
20th Sep 2006, 20:36
:confused: H*******E******L********P :ugh:

I am about to start weekends at Stansted or Cambridge. I will be responsible for sorting out my own tax etc. The company I will be working for has told me I will need to let them know which company I want to be paid through? nopalava and M & M was mentioned!! What is all this about? does anyone know some good companies to be paid through?
Does anyone have any websites or phone numbers for these companies?:confused:

20th Sep 2006, 21:00
Phone Vicky at NoPalaver on 0870 4441728 :ok:


I've just joined them, recommended to me by a connie who's been about a fair bit, all the info is on the website, but give Vicky a ring :}

Navy Blue
21st Sep 2006, 19:27
:ok: Cheers Dude,
That has helped a lot.