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27th Jul 2006, 21:07

i apologise if this has been asked before.

my sister is a cabin crew member with a well known airline, and a fully trained beauty therapist. My question is;

what is the pay like for Virgins in flight Beauty therapists, what are your rosters like, number of sectors a month etc and what the work is like, whether you end up mainly doing massages or nails etc ,

also for long haul crews a general interests is how many sectors cabin crew do a month etc.


28th Jul 2006, 23:04
Hi im crew for Virgin,

Salary is aprox £14000 plus flight pay and allowances. 4 treatments are offered onboard hand treatment, back massage, head massage and basic manicure. you oporate same as mainline crew atleast 4 sometimes 6 flights a month mostly 1 or 2 nights occasionaly longer, eg 9 day hkg/syd.
the "IFBT's" as they are known work as part of the upper class team but kind of work independently. Not much career progression but there always seems to be opportunitys such as working in one of Richards propertys around the world including Necker island. Oh and IFBT's only oporate on LHR routes.

I hope this helps x

30th Jul 2006, 22:58
thank you glamourgirl thats helped answer a few questions for her.


:ok: 251

13th Sep 2006, 08:32
The Virgin - UK thread

15th Sep 2006, 13:02
Hi Everyone,

Now that the old thread has ended I was wandering if anybody who has been for an interview coule help me out.

I went to interview on Monday and was told I would hear in 7- 10 days. I heard that many people who got the job heard with a phone call within 2 days.

Is this the case and does it mean if you havent heard and you get a letter it means that you are unsuccessful?

I really wanted the job but now keep thinking that I must have done so much wrong.

Any help would be great

Thank you :)

15th Sep 2006, 13:13
Hi Warwicks

I got the job back in July, and found out after two days in the post. I didn't receive a phonecall. I know how frustrating it must be not knowing, but sometimes no news is good news.

15th Sep 2006, 13:19
Thank you

How are you finding the job? Have you started yet?
Guess I will keep on waiting for the post
LOL :)

15th Sep 2006, 13:37
Hi Guys & Gals

Whats a typical shift like as Virgin Cabin Crew?
A day in the life...

Just curious:)

18th Sep 2006, 16:22
Is it right that if you work for Virgin you can only have a parking pass for either LGW or LHR? Can anyone tell me if there's any way to get a pass for both car parks?

18th Sep 2006, 17:40
^^^ When i had my interview with VS they said 7-10 days in the post as well to me.

So imagine my surprise when a couple of days later i got a couple of calls from others in my interview group saying they'd had a phone call offering them the job!!

I thought well that's that then - i haven't got it! But a few days later the big envelope landed on my door step offering me the job!!

I don't know why they do this although my friend swears blind it's because they know you all swap numbers and want to play a game with you all!!

PS - With Virgin if they're offering you a job you'll get sent an A4 envelope, if they don't want to hire you, you'll get a normal sized envelope.

They still do it now 6 years on from when they hired me!

19th Sep 2006, 11:53
I have an interview on the 13th of October and i am really looking forward to it. I really really want this job and am ready to commit to it aswell. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what to wear, say etc on the day?

Flying Fairy
19th Sep 2006, 16:59
Just read on one of the other threads something about Virgin Blue doing an exchange scheme with Virgin UK. Is this reciprocated for crew based in the UK to go over to Oz?

20th Sep 2006, 10:53
Just read on one of the other threads something about Virgin Blue doing an exchange scheme with Virgin UK. Is this reciprocated for crew based in the UK to go over to Oz?

It is. Both Oz and UK based crew swap over for a year, go through the full training course and then will be part of the main crew. An amazing opportunity if you ask me.

20th Sep 2006, 20:40
Hey Everyone,

Finally heard after nine days that I have the job :-)

I start on November 13th. Is anyone else starting on this date?


21st Sep 2006, 08:31
Hey Everyone,

Finally heard after nine days that I have the job :-)

I start on November 13th. Is anyone else starting on this date?


congratulations,i have an interview in oct,i wonder if you could tell me wot to expect and any tips would be great,im so nervous.
thanks snolly

21st Sep 2006, 09:10
congratulations,i have an interview in oct,i wonder if you could tell me wot to expect and any tips would be great,im so nervous.
thanks snolly

When you arrive the recruiters are waiting upstairs with your name badges and there is a brief introduction.
You then go into the crew room and wait for them to get the room ready.

After this you all go into the room and after the recruiters have told you about virgin you all have to introduce yourself, say what you do for a living. It is very relaxed (althogh nerveracking)
You then all get given a sheet of paper with information about virgin to read in front of the group.

Once this has finished we completed a group exercise- for our group we got a list of ten important things to passengers and had to put them in order from most important to least and then feed back to the group why we chose this.

We were then told to go outside and wait while they sorted through some paperwork. When we returned to the room we had a maths and english test.
The english test involved reading a passage about nervous fliers and remember details such as flight numbers, destinations, times and names.
The maths test was slightly more difficult and included working out change from tranactions, working out flight times and time differences.

At this point some people were asked to leave as they had not completed the tests in time or didnt make the pass mark.

Finally we has a 2:1 interview which included questions such as "When have you gone the extra mile for a customer" "How do you have fun at work" "Why do you want to work for Virgin" and asking "how you rectified a time when somebody has been given below standard service"

It took nine days before I got the contract and letter through and I thought the interview had gone fairly badly as they give you no positive or negative feedback during the 2:1

My main advice would just be to smile and try and relax. If you are nervous just tell them- I was really nervous so I told them that at the beginning of the 2:1 and they calmed me down.

Good luck and let me know if you need anymore advice

23rd Sep 2006, 01:15
Hi All,

I did the VB/VA Exchange last year, and SFO was always a 2 night trip (as were all west coast USA flights) - but a friend of mine has just gone across on exchange #4, and says on her first roster she has recieved a 1 night SFO (3 day trip) - has SFO changed to a one nighter???????

I hope not for your guys sake! :{

23rd Sep 2006, 08:28
When you arrive the recruiters are waiting upstairs with your name badges and there is a brief introduction.
You then go into the crew room and wait for them to get the room ready.

After this you all go into the room and after the recruiters have told you about virgin you all have to introduce yourself, say what you do for a living. It is very relaxed (althogh nerveracking)
You then all get given a sheet of paper with information about virgin to read in front of the group.

Once this has finished we completed a group exercise- for our group we got a list of ten important things to passengers and had to put them in order from most important to least and then feed back to the group why we chose this.

We were then told to go outside and wait while they sorted through some paperwork. When we returned to the room we had a maths and english test.
The english test involved reading a passage about nervous fliers and remember details such as flight numbers, destinations, times and names.
The maths test was slightly more difficult and included working out change from tranactions, working out flight times and time differences.

At this point some people were asked to leave as they had not completed the tests in time or didnt make the pass mark.

Finally we has a 2:1 interview which included questions such as "When have you gone the extra mile for a customer" "How do you have fun at work" "Why do you want to work for Virgin" and asking "how you rectified a time when somebody has been given below standard service"

It took nine days before I got the contract and letter through and I thought the interview had gone fairly badly as they give you no positive or negative feedback during the 2:1

My main advice would just be to smile and try and relax. If you are nervous just tell them- I was really nervous so I told them that at the beginning of the 2:1 and they calmed me down.

Good luck and let me know if you need anymore advice
thanks so much for this i am really nervous..the main thing i am dreading is the maths test never been my strongest point,cant use a calculator obviously? thanks again x

25th Sep 2006, 09:57
congratulations,i have an interview in oct,i wonder if you could tell me wot to expect and any tips would be great,im so nervous.
thanks snolly
Snolly what date in October is your interview and maybe ill see you there!!!

26th Sep 2006, 16:33


Virgin Boi
26th Sep 2006, 17:28
2 D Moon,

Thats weird, my rosta when it was published this month on the internet said I had a dead head to JFK and work home the following day, then when my paper roster came through the post a few days later it had me doing an Orlando on those same days.

A quick call to crewing, and you can imagine which one was correct..... lucky me.... another MCO.

26th Sep 2006, 18:26
Snolly what date in October is your interview and maybe ill see you there!!!

hi tonix2003,just got ur msg,i have interview oct 24th x

wannabe someone
28th Sep 2006, 10:23
Hi Everyone,

I am awaiting the application form right now but would like some advice.

Do I realistically stand a chance being 33 years old with children?
This is something I have always to do . Long story but I am now applying but would like any advice good or bad.

Does anyone know any older applicants who were successful?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

28th Sep 2006, 16:55
:} Hello, Beauties!

How are you all. Is there anyone here who had a Virgin interview on Sept 6, recently gone. Same day as me? If so i would appreciate it if you got in contact with me,Thankyou guys.

3rd Oct 2006, 10:14

Don't suppose any VS crew could help me with a couple of questions please?

Just wondering what the VS layovers are like now, have they made them shorter i.e min rest? And also whats the hotel accom. like when you get down route, do they stick you out in the middle of nowhere in some motel, or nice hotels in the cities etc?

Thanks guys

3rd Oct 2006, 20:52
Hi richxby,

We dont have any minimum layovers with Virgin, the shortest layover is 24hours....East coast U.S.A, India, Dubai, Barbados and som other Carribbean destinations, anything Far east is at least 2nights as is West Coast U.S.A. Johannesburg is 36hours however Cape Town is nrmally longer as we dont always operate a Daily flight. Long trips or us at the moment are 5nights in Montego Bay, 4 night Antigua`s, from next yr 5night Mauritius etc.

As far as the hotels go I think we are very lucky, most of our hotels are right in the heart of the cities we serve, San Fran,Hong Kong, Cape Town, Sydney, Shanghai, Boston, Washington, Some New Yorks (4 out of 6). The hotels are normally always of a good standard. Ritz Carlton, Hyatt, Raddisson Plaza, Marriott etc.

Hope that answers a few questions for you, anymore then just ask. Cheers :8

5th Oct 2006, 14:04
Hey, does anyone know any e-mail address for VS cc recruiting? :confused:

6th Oct 2006, 08:39
[email protected]

It is on the Virgin Atlantic website under careers - contact us. A little bit of research may help!

6th Oct 2006, 15:24
Thanks exvicar!

I looked through the site but didn't find that...:\

8th Oct 2006, 08:41
No worries, best of luck!

8th Oct 2006, 11:13
Hey Tonix2003, I've got my interview on the 13th Oct as well!! Maybe see you there. I'm slightly nervous, but it sounds like great fun!!

9th Oct 2006, 13:49
Hi everyone!

Does anybody have their Interview this Wednesday (11th Oct) I've got mine, say hi if you do!.. It's the second one..! So excited!:O :}

9th Oct 2006, 16:06
Hey Tonix2003, I've got my interview on the 13th Oct as well!! Maybe see you there. I'm slightly nervous, but it sounds like great fun!!
That would be cool, all look out for you. Im sure i will find out who everyone is anyway. I am really looking forward to the interview. Its going to be exciting. We should plan to meet and have a coffee before as im sure we will be dead nervous.

9th Oct 2006, 16:15
i have just had a thought, i have heard that you have a group interview in the morning, then if you pass that then you have a 3 on 1 interview in the afternoon after you have taken the exams. i have then heard that this is the only day you interview and they decide from there. is this true?

9th Oct 2006, 16:20
i have just had a thought, i have heard that you have a group interview in the morning, then if you pass that then you have a 3 on 1 interview in the afternoon after you have taken the exams. i have then heard that this is the only day you interview and they decide from there. is this true?

The process has changed - everyone does the 2:1 interview providing they pass the English and Maths tests.. it used to be that people got sent home at lunchtime but they're doing it differently now!.. Suppose it makes everyone a bit more relaxed.. then after the 2:1 interview, thats it!.. they let you know from there..! Good luck guys!..

9th Oct 2006, 22:04
The process has changed - everyone does the 2:1 interview providing they pass the English and Maths tests.. it used to be that people got sent home at lunchtime but they're doing it differently now!.. Suppose it makes everyone a bit more relaxed.. then after the 2:1 interview, thats it!.. they let you know from there..! Good luck guys!..
ok thanks for letting me no, im so desperate to get the job. this sounds weird but do you think it is possible to no too much about the company as this could seem a little cocky? also im a very bulshy/outgoing person. is this good or bad?

9th Oct 2006, 22:09
I was thinking, if there is anyone else out there that has the Virgin Atlantic interview on this date then message me and ill give you my mobile number so that we can meet up just before hand. Seems a good idea as im sure we will all end up training together if we get it.

10th Oct 2006, 09:29
I think it all helps tonix, especially having a good knowledge of the Virgin brand and the airline especially - good luck today! let us know how it goes.. I've got mine tomorrow!.. eeek!!.. gonna be the second interview I've had - so hoping it all goes well. :D

10th Oct 2006, 09:50
I think it all helps tonix, especially having a good knowledge of the Virgin brand and the airline especially - good luck today! let us know how it goes.. I've got mine tomorrow!.. eeek!!.. gonna be the second interview I've had - so hoping it all goes well. :D
do you mean this is the second interview with virgin? if so what went wrong last time?

10th Oct 2006, 18:09
Yeah, it will be my 2nd interview - theres a lot of people who I know who haven't gotten in first time, but did get through to the 2:1 - I think my nerves got the better of me and I babbled in the 2:1 interview, its very easy to do especially as it was my first ever Airline interview so it was so nervewracking!

But, I think the best thing is to just relax and answer the questions from your own experience and give examples wherever you can - they want to know that you have had experience in the situations that could arise inflight, etc... aaaggghh!!! 14 hours to go!!...:} :}

10th Oct 2006, 20:18

I was just wondering if anyone knows whether Virgin have reinstated their maths test? I went for the interview before and made it through the group part but failed the maths test :(

I know they suspended it for a while but not sure if it's in at the moment. Alternatively anyone know of a good maths tutor ;)


10th Oct 2006, 21:07
Yeah, it will be my 2nd interview - theres a lot of people who I know who haven't gotten in first time, but did get through to the 2:1 - I think my nerves got the better of me and I babbled in the 2:1 interview, its very easy to do especially as it was my first ever Airline interview so it was so nervewracking!

But, I think the best thing is to just relax and answer the questions from your own experience and give examples wherever you can - they want to know that you have had experience in the situations that could arise inflight, etc... aaaggghh!!! 14 hours to go!!...:} :}
seriously best of luck, how long did you have to wait between your last interview and this one?

10th Oct 2006, 22:33
Just to let everyone know i had my interview on the 9th oct and i was soooo nervous! but the day will go smoother if you just try to relax and be yourself! You should also be proud of yourselves for even getting an interview as we got told that out of 45,000 applicants a year only 15% of them get an interview. Also just to correct someone earlier on :) Not everyone got through to the 2:1 interview there were 7 of us in total we had a short break after the Maths and english tests and then suddenly there were only five! i didnt see them leave or get asked to leave or anything very discreetly done! wondered why the room seemed empty??? Anyway if anyone wants to ask anything i will help out as much as i can xx

11th Oct 2006, 07:49
Just to let everyone know i had my interview on the 9th oct and i was soooo nervous! but the day will go smoother if you just try to relax and be yourself! You should also be proud of yourselves for even getting an interview as we got told that out of 45,000 applicants a year only 15% of them get an interview. Also just to correct someone earlier on :) Not everyone got through to the 2:1 interview there were 7 of us in total we had a short break after the Maths and english tests and then suddenly there were only five! i didnt see them leave or get asked to leave or anything very discreetly done! wondered why the room seemed empty??? Anyway if anyone wants to ask anything i will help out as much as i can xx
i have so many questions like is it good to wear a suit? also im wearing a grey suit, what colour shirt shall i wear with it? also what makes people not get through the group interview? im so so so excited but im worried i will talk myself out of the job coz when im nervous i talk for great britain. arrrggghhh any advice would be much appreciated. thanks hun

11th Oct 2006, 13:20
i have so many questions like is it good to wear a suit? also im wearing a grey suit, what colour shirt shall i wear with it? also what makes people not get through the group interview? im so so so excited but im worried i will talk myself out of the job coz when im nervous i talk for great britain. arrrggghhh any advice would be much appreciated. thanks hun

Hi! I had my interview with Virgin back in August and start my training in three weeks time. I certainly know about the pre interview jitters and wondering what to wear etc. A suit is always a good move. I wore a grey suit and had a white shirt underneath (very fitted with bow round middle). I wore maroon heeled shoes and matching handbag. A touch of red lippy would be great too (dont go over the top though!). As for the interview, just try to remain calm and think about what you want to say before you go in. Dont rehearse it too much as this will sound fake-just be yourself! They want to ask questions that you can relate back to your experiences about customer service, good and bad experiences and how you deal with situations. During the group activities, my best advice, as before is just be yourself, if you are right for the job your personality will show this and they will certainly notice.:O Good luck.x

11th Oct 2006, 13:27
you are a little star cs78. i no a few crew already and they have mostly said the same thing. good luck with the training, it will be damn fun i reckon. the only reason im panicing is coz i want this position so bad. i dont think i have ever wanted to do anything so bad hahahahaha.

11th Oct 2006, 13:40
you are a little star cs78. i no a few crew already and they have mostly said the same thing. good luck with the training, it will be damn fun i reckon. the only reason im panicing is coz i want this position so bad. i dont think i have ever wanted to do anything so bad hahahahaha.

I was exactly the same. I couldnt see myself doing anything else. It was a dream of mine for a long time but i was also preparing myself for the dreaded rejection. I think if it is what you really want, you will just keep going till you get it. It was my first application and i was sooooooo happy when i found out i got the job. The week waiting to find out was the longest week of my life!:ugh: Bu the big envelope waiting on the doorstop was the best feeling ever!!:O I really wish you and everyone else the best of luck and maybe see you up above the clouds soon. The interview is not as bad as you think it will be. The Virgin staff are very friendly and smiley and want to relax you to see you at your best, so dont worry and just enjoy yourself and the fantastic experience you are about to have. Big Tip: Smile until your cheeks hurt!! :O :O x

11th Oct 2006, 14:37
Just to let everyone know i had my interview on the 9th oct and i was soooo nervous! but the day will go smoother if you just try to relax and be yourself! You should also be proud of yourselves for even getting an interview as we got told that out of 45,000 applicants a year only 15% of them get an interview. Also just to correct someone earlier on :) Not everyone got through to the 2:1 interview there were 7 of us in total we had a short break after the Maths and english tests and then suddenly there were only five! i didnt see them leave or get asked to leave or anything very discreetly done! wondered why the room seemed empty??? Anyway if anyone wants to ask anything i will help out as much as i can xx

hi there,i have an interview in 2wks and i am so unbelievably nervous!!! any tips would be great to get me through and any tips on the maths test cos im so bad at maths would be wicked.thanku in advance x

11th Oct 2006, 15:13
Just to let everyone know i had my interview on the 9th oct and i was soooo nervous! but the day will go smoother if you just try to relax and be yourself! You should also be proud of yourselves for even getting an interview as we got told that out of 45,000 applicants a year only 15% of them get an interview. Also just to correct someone earlier on :) Not everyone got through to the 2:1 interview there were 7 of us in total we had a short break after the Maths and english tests and then suddenly there were only five! i didnt see them leave or get asked to leave or anything very discreetly done! wondered why the room seemed empty??? Anyway if anyone wants to ask anything i will help out as much as i can xx
p.s highbird let us no when you hear from them, i bet you are nervous?

11th Oct 2006, 19:57
Hey guys!

Just thought I'd let you know I had my interview today.. there were 11 of us and then ended up 8 of us having the 2:1..

Very nervewracking!.. Good luck to everyone who's waiting for the letter.. I'm hoping its the big one for me this time..!! :O :O :ok:

11th Oct 2006, 21:15
Hey guys!

Just thought I'd let you know I had my interview today.. there were 11 of us and then ended up 8 of us having the 2:1..

Very nervewracking!.. Good luck to everyone who's waiting for the letter.. I'm hoping its the big one for me this time..!! :O :O :ok:
well done honey for getting through that far, im so so so hoping i can make it to that stage. what do you think you did in the group stage that helped you to get through?

11th Oct 2006, 21:39
if there is anyone on here at all that has their interview friday the 13th then let me no and maybe we can meet up. also i did a dummy run to the interview location the other day so if anyone needs to no how to get there then cntact me asap and ill help you out.

11th Oct 2006, 22:45
Yes id say a suit would be good i wore a black and white dogtooth jacket and skirt suit with a fitted black jumper under, it was very smart and i felt comfortable which is the main thing as the interview could go on for a few hours as mine did! I Wore a pair of black heels which were also comfortable and tied my hair back (i have long blonde hair) if i had worn it down it would of distracted me.

As for the Maths test I would recommend trying to answer all the questions because you dont have that much time, its no good strugling on one question when you may find some of the others eaisier, just read them properly take a deep breath and answer, and if you cant answer move on to the next one and go back to it later. Well this is what i did and feel it helped.

And yes I am totally pooping myself now waiting for a letter or even a phone call :uhoh: but whatever the outcome im just glad ive been able to experience the interview process as i know quite a few people that have been unable to even get to that stage! Hope this helped but again if there is anything else just ask:O

12th Oct 2006, 01:42
Hi Guys:}
Hope you all are well. I was wondering if anybody can help me with a Couple questions. I had a virgin interview last month, unfortunatly was not a success, due to failing the math test.It is quite embarrasing. I really crumble when it comes to math and no matter how simple, it takes me a while! Altho I cashed up every night in my previous Job. Does anyone remember any of the exact questions? I want to practice, but you can't really get a book on time differences, or currency etc. It is always a tricky question, where you have to think, and with 4 mins to do a test of 10 questions! Has any1 been to the interview twice and found the questions are the same. I really want to work for Virgin, and want to re-apply, but this Math thing is letting me down.
Final question, what is Virgin like to work for as a company, are they good to their staff in how they treat them, and if you make mistakes, are they understanding..

Thankyou all x

12th Oct 2006, 09:14
if there is anyone on here at all that has their interview friday the 13th then let me no and maybe we can meet up. also i did a dummy run to the interview location the other day so if anyone needs to no how to get there then cntact me asap and ill help you out.

Hey Tonix2003, i have my interview on fri 13th, I haven't driven there, but I'm driving down tonight and staying over at the travel inn, so I will try and find it tonight. If you want, we could meet up before the interview in the morning and walk over together? Then we can be nervous and jittery together!! Let me know.

sugarplum fairy
12th Oct 2006, 11:37
Wow good luck you guys with the interviews tomorrow, i feel excited and nervous for you!!! i bet the butterflies have butterflies today.

I havent applied yet, need to loose a lot of weight, finish a college course (not relevant to CC!) and improve swimming first, but lets hope we all meet up inthe sky one day!

Make sure you let us all know what you wear, how the exams are and all the juicy details!

Good luck x :ok:

12th Oct 2006, 11:49
Wow good luck you guys with the interviews tomorrow, i feel excited and nervous for you!!! i bet the butterflies have butterflies today.

I havent applied yet, need to loose a lot of weight, finish a college course (not relevant to CC!) and improve swimming first, but lets hope we all meet up inthe sky one day!

Make sure you let us all know what you wear, how the exams are and all the juicy details!

Good luck x :ok:
i am absolutley crapping my pants hahaha. sorry for the expression. ill give you all the goss. i already no what im wearing. a grey pinstripe suit with a white shirt. black shoes and a black bag etc. i didnt think white should would look nice hahahaha.

13th Oct 2006, 19:54
well i had the interview, how nerve wracking was that aswell? i was lead to believe they sent you home if you dont pass the exams but they dont. im 100% sure i didnt pass the exams yet i still had the 2 on 1 interview. was a great experience though.

14th Oct 2006, 08:03
Well done tonix!:D

You must have passed the exams - as some people got sent home for not passing them on Wed - how many of you were there?

Congrats on the 2:1 - best of luck!.. Still no word yet here..!

2bcrew x

14th Oct 2006, 08:42
Well done tonix!:D

You must have passed the exams - as some people got sent home for not passing them on Wed - how many of you were there?

Congrats on the 2:1 - best of luck!.. Still no word yet here..!

2bcrew x
you never bloody guess what? i only got the job didnt i? i got my contract through today. so you hear next day if you are successful. i screamed when i got the letter. its that big white a4 envelope. i start december the 11th.

14th Oct 2006, 09:00
Thats excellent!!! Well done tonix..... So pleased for you!

Must mean I haven't got it then... :{ maybe 3rd time lucky in that case..

2bcrew x

14th Oct 2006, 09:27
like everyone says you will no when you recieve a big or small envelope from them. i honestly wish you all the luck in the world honey.

15th Oct 2006, 11:57
Hi guys

I have interview on 20th of oct !! really nervous :bored: i am going down on thurs night and will be staying in premier inn ! ! am so worried about the maths test. can anyone give me an example of the maths questions :) also is anyone else having there interview on this date ?? please get in touch :)

15th Oct 2006, 17:51
Hi guys

I have interview on 20th of oct !! really nervous :bored: i am going down on thurs night and will be staying in premier inn ! ! am so worried about the maths test. can anyone give me an example of the maths questions :) also is anyone else having there interview on this date ?? please get in touch :)
iv got some examples of the maths questions if you still require help??!!!

15th Oct 2006, 19:47

I would like you to post examples of the virgin maths test if you could please

ok well they arnt hard, its just the time limit they give you (not enough time)
A question would be like, If a flight into san francisco is due to take of 11am but is running 3 hours late, what time would it arrive bearing in mind that san francisco in 10 hours ahead of the uk and the flight time is 11 hours.

another would be, if chloe brought duty free consisting of sunglasses, £150, perfume £38, tanning lotion £7 and tobacco £20 then what change would she have from £200?

they are basically all like this. the only thing is because you have to read the question a few times it does take a while to work out the answers.
i hope this helps

15th Oct 2006, 19:49
i meant to write 10 hours behind but its just an example of how they write the questions.

15th Oct 2006, 19:53
another would be, sam went into the duty free shop with £300. she brought 2 bottles of perfume for £45 each bearing in mind if you buy 2 you get £5 off. she then brought some jewellery which was £170 but payed £150 as she had discount. she also brought a handbag being £150. she also really wanted some alcohol which was £22, how much more money would she need to pay for the full amount.

17th Oct 2006, 09:02
you never bloody guess what? i only got the job didnt i? i got my contract through today. so you hear next day if you are successful. i screamed when i got the letter. its that big white a4 envelope. i start december the 11th.

Well done tonix2003!!!

YAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I got the job im so excited!!!! I had my interview on the 9th Oct and got my letter through this morning 8 days later! So dont be sad if you have not heard back from them yet. This message above made me think well if that person had there interview after me and they have already heard that they are successful then i must not have been. But thats not the case!!! I start on the 4th December and i cant wait. Good luck to everyone with interviews and well done to everyone who has got the job of their dreams! xx :)

17th Oct 2006, 09:26
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have their interview on Tuesday 31st October? If so let me know as i have mine and am sooooooooo nervous!!!! :rolleyes:

Any hints and tips would also be much appreciated.

Good luck to all those who have interviews let me know how it goes! :O

17th Oct 2006, 09:52
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have their interview on Tuesday 31st October? If so let me know as i have mine and am sooooooooo nervous!!!! :rolleyes:

Any hints and tips would also be much appreciated.

Good luck to all those who have interviews let me know how it goes! :O
i have tips and advice as i just had my interview and got the job. email me if you need anything on [email protected]. xxxxxx

17th Oct 2006, 13:45
Hi guys

I have interview on 20th of oct !! really nervous :bored: i am going down on thurs night and will be staying in premier inn ! ! am so worried about the maths test. can anyone give me an example of the maths questions :) also is anyone else having there interview on this date ?? please get in touch :)

Hi Helly,

Good luck for your interview on Friday i'm sure it will all go well!! :) I have my interview on the 31st October and really nervous too!!!! Let me know how it goes.

17th Oct 2006, 17:53
Hi vsparkle

Thanks ! I will let you know how it goes ! best of luck for yours

18th Oct 2006, 10:44
Hi everyone,

I will be reapplying to Virgin next week, and am counting the days!! :O

I had an interview back in July, but unfortunately did not make it past the test stage, I was so gutted because they were not hard but I just panicked and ran out of time so got sent home! :{

Anyway 1 week to go then my 3 months will be up and I can try again.

All advice, tips anything to be honest would be very much appreciated!!!


18th Oct 2006, 13:22
Hi Lollypop,
Has the waiting time gone down to 3 months now then? That's good if it has because it always use to be 6 months....
Good luck for your next app' anyway! :ok:

18th Oct 2006, 13:38
Hi Peaky, the accessor who sent me home said I could reapply after 3 months as I had not got to the 2-1 stage, if you get to the 2-1 and then you dont get the possiton its 6 months before you can reapply.

18th Oct 2006, 18:30
Does VS hire NON EU passport holder but holding living / working rights people to work in VS London Base?

Thanks alot

20th Oct 2006, 15:32
Does VS hire NON EU passport holder but holding living / working rights people to work in VS London Base?

Thanks alot

If you have the right to live and work in the Uk then yes.

20th Oct 2006, 15:46
If you have the right to live and work in the Uk then yes.

Thanks Hawaiianhosty

I am so happy to hear this answer coz I have just registered my Civil Partnership in Scotland.

And planning to quit my CX Cabin Crew and trying to get a Cabin Crew job in Virgin


21st Oct 2006, 19:37
Is there alot of Chinese / Asian are working in London Base?

And What is the VS cutlure like? Everything must base on Senority stuff?

21st Oct 2006, 19:40
Hey! Does anyone have an interview on the 26th October? Only 4 days to go and im so nervous!

22nd Oct 2006, 11:38
For those that have had their virgin interviews recently, could someone kindly tell us what kind of things were involved in the group exercises and what kinds of questions were asked in the 2:1 interviews?
Thanks :ok: :)

23rd Oct 2006, 11:37
I was wondering if anyone had any information on the wings ceremony once training is complete? I hear this is quite fun but i have no idea what exactly happens.

23rd Oct 2006, 12:20
I'm sure I read somewhere that you have to put on some kind of show but not 100% sure!! :uhoh:

23rd Oct 2006, 14:33
Hi vsparkle

Thanks ! I will let you know how it goes ! best of luck for yours

Hi Helly how did it go on Friday???????? Hope it all went well for you!!
Any tips at all?? ;)

sugarplum fairy
23rd Oct 2006, 18:03
Well i can tell you what happened in my friends ceremony, but it was a year ago!!

There was some kind of show-the whole training group did a little song and dance together about virgin/their training etc (from what i recall she said it was fun, not scarey even if you arent into that kinda thing!) then all the newbies were seated in a row in front of the 'audience' and names called out to go and collect their wings/certificates one by one and have photos taken with the people handing them out (sorry dont know who they were! some kind of crew managment or something). then following this i think it was just champagne all round, lots of photos and mingling! All in all she said it was a brilliant night, she felt really proud and had a fabulous time!

like I said it was a while ago so it could have changed but not many other people have been forth coming with info so i hope this helps!

23rd Oct 2006, 20:40
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

23rd Oct 2006, 21:28
Hi Everyone Just wanted to know if anyone had any info on Virgins new uniform? My friend who is currently employed with Virgin told me not to get to attatched to my uniform when i start in December as there is a new one coming out in 2007? She also told me it was going to be designed by Vivienne Westwood! With the red shoes making a come back and also hats! Sounds great to me but is this correct? id love to know if anyone has any more info??? Thanks xx:)

24th Oct 2006, 06:19
Hi Everyone Just wanted to know if anyone had any info on Virgins new uniform? My friend who is currently employed with Virgin told me not to get to attatched to my uniform when i start in December as there is a new one coming out in 2007? She also told me it was going to be designed by Vivienne Westwood! With the red shoes making a come back and also hats! Sounds great to me but is this correct? id love to know if anyone has any more info??? Thanks xx:)
wouldnt that be excellent if this happened, id feel damn posh. i like the uniform anyway but a new one is always good, and vivienne westwood? who can complain??!!!1

24th Oct 2006, 09:44
...who can complain??!!!1

Have you ever actually seen La Westwood, or worse, listened to some of the rubbish that she talks?


Yup, that's the woman who may be designing the new uniform, and here are some examples of her "work"



Good Luck, kind Virgin folk - you're gonna need it for sure

24th Oct 2006, 09:59
hahahahaha i change my statement to " oh dear". Maybe the uniform isnt going to be that great hahahaha.

24th Oct 2006, 11:02
Oh MY God Thats Awful!!! Now im praying the uniform doesnt change!!!!! Even if it means not wearing red shoes!!! :bored:

24th Oct 2006, 11:06
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

24th Oct 2006, 11:42
Hey guys was at Marriott hotel at LHR, saw the virgin crew have there bash and saw a man wear a red dress, was that the dresscode for the guys at the party :D ;)

you guys made alot of nose, i wanted to gate crash it but := .


24th Oct 2006, 13:10
Hey guys was at Marriott hotel at LHR, saw the virgin crew have there bash and saw a man wear a red dress, was that the dresscode for the guys at the party :D ;)

you guys made alot of nose, i wanted to gate crash it but := .

was this a wings bash do you no?

24th Oct 2006, 15:36
After sending off your virgin application, does anybody know how long it takes to get a reply from virgin to know if you have been offered an interview or not?

24th Oct 2006, 15:50
After sending off your virgin application, does anybody know how long it takes to get a reply from virgin to know if you have been offered an interview or not?
i sent my application off on the wednesday and recieved my interview date in the post on the saturday. i was lucky as they had tons of application forms at this point.

24th Oct 2006, 15:58
Thanks Tonix2003 and congrats!!! :) :ok:

24th Oct 2006, 16:06
and how long after you recieved the letter was your interview??:)

24th Oct 2006, 16:13
and how long after you recieved the letter was your interview??:)
I think it was about 6 weeks or maybe a tiny bit more later that i had my interview date. Mind you i had to change it twice anyway as couldnt get the time off. It well in advance anyway.

24th Oct 2006, 18:17


24th Oct 2006, 19:24
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I'm confused cos I got told that if you don't get through any part of the interview or application process that its always 6 months before putting in a new app. Does this mean that even if you don't get invited to an interview its 3 months then you can re-apply? Has anyone ever tried this or do they hold your information on record?:confused:

24th Oct 2006, 20:37
was this a wings bash do you no?

No that was a ground staff event - a thank you from Virgin for the crap the staff put up with over the summer and how brilliant everyone was

24th Oct 2006, 23:56
Hi! I hope someone can help... does the UK carriers make test for HIV as part of their process to select candidates. I'm planning to apply for Virgin and I would like to know in advance.

Thanks for any help!

25th Oct 2006, 08:00
Ahh Helly i'm so sorry that you didn't get the job, but never mind at least you can re-apply and you know what to expect next time.
I fly from Newcastle on Monday but havn't booked my hotel yet. Can you walk from the Premier Inn to the South Terminal?

I am nervous too about these tests,as you say it's a different story when your being timed!! How long did you get to answer them??


25th Oct 2006, 09:28
Helly, sorry to hear that, I was in the exact same position as you back in July.
I agree the maths test wasn't hard I just fell apart and panicked and stupidly focussed on one of the questions for ages and wasted time. :ugh:
I was told by the accessors though that I could reapply in 3 months as I did not pass the maths test which I can do now, yay! did they also say that to you?? :O
Fingers crossed for second time!

25th Oct 2006, 10:02
Hi ya glamour girl,

This Kiricanan, and saw that you are working for virgin as an inflight beauty therapist. I was wondering you give me some advice and some help on the interview. I have my interview on the 31tst oct, which i am totally nervous about.:eek: I was wondering if you could help me on the interview process. Especially the questions they ask you on the one to one with the assessors. This would be a great help if you could reply to me either on this or my e-mail [email protected].

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
hear from you soon


25th Oct 2006, 17:28

Im not an inflight beauty therapist but crew, sorry dont know about there interview, but the very best of look xxx

26th Oct 2006, 15:44
Hi vsparkle !

When i got into gatwick on the thurs night it was about 8.45 ! i had not got a clue where i was going.I collected my bag as had to put that in hold with having cosmetics in.I went straight to get a taxi to premier inn but when i got to taxi rank they advised it was best to get shuttle bus what takes you direct to hotel the bus number is G2 and they run every 20mins you will pay 2.50 its not very far you could walk but i did not fell safe in dark ! the hotel was ok just what i needed for one night ! it was 60 pound per night ! ! thought if i leave the hotel for about 8am i could have a coffee in airport. there is shuttle bus at 8.10am that will drop you of at north terminal ! when you get in airport it is ok well sign posted to south termnal !

When are you going down ? let me know how it goes !
You will be fine x

27th Oct 2006, 09:29
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

27th Oct 2006, 09:36
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

27th Oct 2006, 09:39
i have my interview on the same day. where abouts are you staying?

27th Oct 2006, 09:44
hi helly,
im really sorry to hear that you didn't pass the tests, but a massive pat on the back for getting that far.
i was wondering if you could help with the questions they ask you in the 2:1 interview, that is what im most worried about. This would be a great help :ok:
hear from you soon

27th Oct 2006, 17:59
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

27th Oct 2006, 18:27
HI all !

the gave us little hint on questions ! so i am most sure it going be relate to things like?

example of excellent cust service ?
good example of team work ?
why should they pick you over others ?
how you will deal with being away from home ?
whats your weakneses ?
have you ever lost your temper ?

dont hold me on this mind ? but i am sure they will be similar to this ?

I am of on hols for one wk ! let me know hows yous all get on :)

27th Oct 2006, 18:33
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

candi heart
31st Oct 2006, 19:19
Hey guys,

I have an interview on Friday the 3rd of Nov, :bored: am soooo nervous :bored:, all the information on here has been great tho, thanx to all.

Just a couple of quick questions if anyone out there can help???
I have been told that not being blonde may reduce my chances of doing well, i know this is probably not true but please let me know of any of you who arent blonde and do work as cabin crew, i know it sounds stupid but i would feel alot more comfortable hearing from you.

Another thing is the length of time that is given for the tests, 4 mins, 10 mins AAAAARGH i dont know!!

Thank Loads


31st Oct 2006, 23:31
I don't think not being blonde haired will reduce your chances!
I flew to dubai last month with virgin and on both flights there were female cabin crew who had black...brown hair also half the crew were of indian origin who certainly didn't have blonde hair! :ok:

1st Nov 2006, 05:48
i have dark brown, almost black hair. they arnt worried about hair colour anymore.

candi heart
2nd Nov 2006, 11:15
hi guys,

i have an interveiw soon and i am really worried about the math's test because i am dyslexic and really struggle when it comes to timed test's, i know i could do it in "real life" but wonder if i can perform under test presure!?
is it worth telling them i am dyslexic or will it be seen as a disadvantage?

i would really apperciate any advice on this,

thanks C H x

candi heart
2nd Nov 2006, 13:23
Thanks, i just needed to hear it from someone!!
Well, less than 24 hrs till im being interviewed.
Im V V V nervous and hope i do well.
:p :p :p
Wish me luck (thank you all for your advice and opinions)


3rd Nov 2006, 09:23
Hey candi good luck!!!:ok:

Anyone got an interview on monday 27th Nov...as i have mine then..would be nice to get to know a few people beforehand! :ok: It also says the interview is now a one on one interview.

3rd Nov 2006, 11:24
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

3rd Nov 2006, 11:29
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

3rd Nov 2006, 11:31
i have dark brown, almost black hair. they arnt worried about hair colour anymore.

Hey toni!!!, it's J (-: , i used to worry about hair colour too, i was even tempted to die my hair blonde! But wont again, as my hair used to be alot thicker, i dyed it blonde b4. I am glad virgin have changed and are more fairer now. I heard b4, as i knew someone who went for the interview, when she got to the 2-2-1, they did not even give her a chance to speak and told her she hadn't got it. Luv ya

3rd Nov 2006, 11:34
Pointless quote of previous post - see forum post from mods

3rd Nov 2006, 11:52
Hi airhostessdream

I applied and my application wasn't even successful (don't know why:confused: ) so I've sent off for another to reapply. I guess if you get to interview and they tell you that then same applies to me. I had a look over my old app. and guess I could of gone into more detail about experience so I'll do that this time as soon as it arrives and hope to be flying with you soon.:)

4th Nov 2006, 16:01
hey guys im new to this... was reading up on the tips for the inteviews really helpful thanx... i have my virgin interview on the 9th november anyone else attending it? DO any of u guys know if virgin hire many indian girls as i am indian. really nervous about my interview.. and i hate maths lol...

xx ren xx

4th Nov 2006, 16:17
anyone have an interview on the 9th nov friday?


4th Nov 2006, 20:06
Virgin have many indian cabin crew, on flights to delhi, mumbai and dubai half of the cabin crew is indian. Good luck with your interview. Let me know how it goes i have mine on the 27th.:ok:

4th Nov 2006, 21:02
Can anyone working for VS let me know an approximately monthly pay?

I know you get basic, trip pay and allowances but how much will I be taking home?

Also, are allowances (given at hotel downroute) taxed?


4th Nov 2006, 21:09
Lol i have worked for Virgin for what seems like an age (and is!) and i can tell you now that they don't give a toss about what colour your hair is, or what ethniticity you are.

I'm brunette and have never heard such rubbish about VS only hiring blondes - Yes maybe Richard prefers the fair hair girls but then again, so do a lot of men.

If you are genuinely worried about Virgin not hiring you because of your hair colour/skin colour/inside leg measurement then maybe you don't understand what the company is about and it's not for you.

Ali Bongo
5th Nov 2006, 11:36
Hi, A quick question from Air Traffic :confused:

I'm down to fly on a fam flight shortly with Virgin (anywhere except the US) and was wondering where the best place for night stops are likely to be as I go out with the crew and back with the same one.

I was thinking about Havana or Capetown, do you get a couple of nights there? Any other suggestions to maximise my time away from work? Shallow and idle aren't I:ok:


Standard Jet Dep
5th Nov 2006, 18:56
Hi Tonix 2003 I have sent you a mail if you could check and let me know i would be grateful.



6th Nov 2006, 08:51
Hey Candi Heart how was your interview?

What did you have to do?
What sorts of questions did you get?:ok:

Emmy Lou
9th Nov 2006, 12:54
Can anyone help me on the following?
I applied for a position as In-flight Beauty Therapist about 5 years ago and completed the full day of interview but did not get offered the job. I have now been in the beauty industry for a decade and am 27 years old and married-would this affect how they would view me as a candidate?
Also I have a mortgage! Boo hoo! So I must be earning a good salary! What is the final take home pay and perks for this position as this will affect whether I apply again!

candi heart
9th Nov 2006, 13:58
Just thought I would let you know I got the job :Dwith virgin start my training in january soo excited! thanks for everyone's help it really gave me an insight on the day.:ok:
Some advice if anyone has an interveiw soon, just be your self, relax, smile and have fun. P.S dont worry about the test's, I did well at the english but struggled with the maths's and diddn't do that well but I still got the job. Also if anyone is dyslexic like me dont be afraid to tell them, they dont look on it as a disadvantage.

Good luck and thank you again

Candi x :O

9th Nov 2006, 14:20
That's fantastic news C H. I've been following your posts and i'm really glad you got the job. It's gratifying to know that we don't work for a company backward enough to reject someone for something as minor as being dyslexic.
I really stuffed up one of our selection tests when i joined but it didn't seem to matter. Must've been my winning smile and shiny shoes!

Welcome to Virgin!

9th Nov 2006, 15:12
Congrats candi heart! Well done!!!:D :D
Check your pm's :ok: :ok:

9th Nov 2006, 16:20
Good luck everyone, just had my interview today, so got to wait to find out. I think this is by far the worst bit!

9th Nov 2006, 17:27
Hi guys

I have my interview on the 30th of november, firstly has anyone else got a interview on this day? also could someone please help me and tell me what happens in the group stage of the interview and the test (an example if poss)

many thanks

hopefully see you soon

covent garden man
10th Nov 2006, 08:00
Hi to all.... amazingly I was offered the job..... not blonde, not young, not what everyone "assumes" Virgin are looking for.... so all I can say to all who are awaiting interviews/asessment days etc is..... forget all pre-conceptions and BE YOURSELF...... and the VA assessors were REALLY fantastic at getting the best out of you/ seeing you be the best that you could be.... after all, it IS in their interest to do so..... SO.... anyone beginning training on 2nd Jan?

Take care... and good luck to all........

11th Nov 2006, 12:05
Letter came this morning saying I got the job! So so happy :)

Training starts on 05th Feb. Good luck toeveryone who has got interviews or waiting to find out if they have got the job!

11th Nov 2006, 13:11
See Replying with quotes (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=249532) thread

11th Nov 2006, 16:44
Hi Toni,

Greeting from Orlando Flight Training in Sunny Florida,

Just a quickie to wish you all the best for your training.:)

Keep in touch.

Lead Aviation

13th Nov 2006, 08:33
Hi Everyone,

I'm starting my training on the 2nd Jan for Virgin Atlantic, i'm really
excited but am starting to have a few doubts & wondered if anyone
can help me out,

1) My girlfriend is really worried that she won't ever see me!! do you all
still have happy relationships?

2) I currently bring home approx £1000 per month, am I gonna
bring home alot less?

These are the main things that are keeping me awake at the moment.

Thanx everyone!!

13th Nov 2006, 13:06
Can a virgin crew member please tell me how much their average monthly take home is? and what the roster patterns are like?
many thanks

13th Nov 2006, 14:01
I have an interview on the 15th and the closer it gets the more nervous I get!! I have been following the posts since I found out about the interview date. Its the first time I am writing on here coz everyone has answered the questions I might have asked.....so I just thought I'd say THANK YOU to all of you .......... wish me luck! :ugh:

Congrats to people who have got it and to those who dont - if you dont succeed, try, try and try again!!!! :)

15th Nov 2006, 22:21
See Replying with quotes (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=249532) thread

18th Nov 2006, 07:55
Hi Everyone,

Just wondered if anyone is starting training on the 2nd Jan?????
I am really excited and can't wait until my course details arrive!!

Hopefully see some of you guys soon.

18th Nov 2006, 16:42
Hi Guys,Hope everyone is well and happy!

does anyone have an interview for Dec 5th? Also on the employment history form, i need a little advice. I currently start a temporary job for 6 weeks. When i start i would have only done 2 weeks and thats when i have my Virgin interview. My previous job i was there for over a year and left three months ago. On my form do i not put down the temp job, as i won't be able to get a ref. Or do i jus put down my last job three months ago and 5 yrs bk etc. And for examples on the 2-2-1, can i use my job three months ago and not mention the temporary one starting in two weeks. Thanks all xx:hmm:

I Just Want To Fly
19th Nov 2006, 17:18
Hi There,

Can anyone tell me how it works with VS bases. I couldn't see any info in the forum. I know that LGW crew often take the VS bus to LHR to operate, but is that the case for all flights. Can you select your base. How does in work with MAN?

Thanks heaps

19th Nov 2006, 18:28
See Replying with quotes (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=249532) thread

19th Nov 2006, 18:30
See Replying with quotes (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=249532) thread

20th Nov 2006, 14:45
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know how long before your course do you receive your
course/e learning details????


I Just Want To Fly
21st Nov 2006, 17:32
Anyone know if VS has a maximum height limit? :confused: I'm 186cm...

23rd Nov 2006, 17:44
I'm starting with virgin atlantic January 8th. So excited I feel like I'm going to burst all the time!! Especially at work where I haven't told them yet so I can't say anything.

I'm moving down from Manchester so was just wondering if anyone could help me out with accomidation:
Where abouts should I try to live?
Is it best to be nearer to Gatwick or Heathrow in the first 6months?
Does anyone know of any fairly cheap house/flat shares that may be sutiable?

I am really easy going to live with, but think money will be tight for a while so I'm not looking for anything to flash.

Anyone else starting in January? 8th?

23rd Nov 2006, 18:15
The only thing I would recommend to people wanting to reapply would be to get yourself into a tough customer facing role i.e a pub or restaurant. That was basically all they asked me at the interview and I think the fact that I have worked in about 6 pubs and restaurants was the reason I was succesful as it really helped me answer their questions.
Hope everyone does great and maybe I'll see some of you on 8th Jan 2007 when I start!!

Virgin Boi
24th Nov 2006, 11:40
To answer the last 5 questions....

Airhostessdream... I found your post quite hard to understand, but basically you will need to account for every minute, of every single day, of the last 5 years - otherwise you will not get an airside pass, period.

If you can not get a reference from a place of employment then you will need to get someone close to you to complete a personal reference.


I just want to fly... There are 2 bases in the UK. These are London and Manchester.

New crew can ONLY apply for the London base. You are able to apply to join the MAN base after 6 months service if you wish to do so.

London based crew operate flights from LHR and LGW, the split of flights for junior crew, I believe, is around 50/50 from each airport.

The hourly coaches you see are transport for all Virgin employees between Concorde house and the staff car parks at LGW, to the Queens building at LHR, and vice versa. The fleet of coaches are operated by national express on behalf of Virgin and are free of charge to staff and their friends/family etc.

There is no maximum height limit. There is a minimum height limit of 5'2.


Fly Davy... I believe its around 2 to 3 weeks before your course starts.


Bethanm... My recomendation would be a house in the LGW area as that is where all the Virgin training takes place, and where the offices are. It will also be cheaper than a house in the LHR area.


Hope all that helps you guys...

Standard Jet Dep
26th Nov 2006, 18:34
I work for virgin right now and guess what im starting crew training the sameday as you. So drop me a line and I will try to give you some ideas.



e-mail is [email protected]

29th Nov 2006, 12:43

Anyone been to an interview at LGW. I have one in Dec and was wondering if we park in shortstay and how much it costs. Trying to decide if its easier and cheaper to get train

30th Nov 2006, 15:53
Hey guys i had my interview on monday and i still haven't heard anything.
One of the others in my group got the big white envelope on wednesday with the job offer. Am seriously thinking i haven't got it now as i would have received that big enevlope by now! As most people at the moment hear within 2 or 3 days :sad:

Cosmic Girl
30th Nov 2006, 16:10
Thats not necessarily the case.Dont worry :) Everyone hears at different times.

1st Dec 2006, 08:45

Anyone been to an interview at LGW. I have one in Dec and was wondering if we park in shortstay and how much it costs. Trying to decide if its easier and cheaper to get train

hi i had an interview yesterday and parked in the short stay...its very close to the interview room and cost me about £12.50 (7.30 to about 13.30)

good luck!!

1st Dec 2006, 10:10
Thanks for the parking info. I think I'll drive sounds easier and train costs more. Good Luck with getting results:)

2nd Dec 2006, 00:26
Hi --- are Virgin still taking applications or have they closed them for now? Sounds like they just schedule interviews way in advance?



3rd Dec 2006, 10:41
they are interviewing non stop for the time being. sounds like that interview 1 or 2 times in a week.

3rd Dec 2006, 10:45
So anyone from here start on that date as i start then?

4th Dec 2006, 18:39
Hi Everyone,

I'm starting my training course on the 2nd Jan & just wondered if
anyone else is?? Would be great to hear from someone before the
big day!!!!!!!


5th Dec 2006, 09:41
Well guys i just called them because its been 8 days and nothing...they just told me that they are having problems with the packs and are waiting for the printers but i have been successfull!!!!!!

I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!

I Start 5th Feb.....Wohoooo im going to be a virgin boy!!!!!:) :) :)

5th Dec 2006, 10:57
Well done I hope to be joining you soon. Is that the next training date or the earliest you could make. Some people start in Jan. Oh I bet your so pleased:D

5th Dec 2006, 14:10
Thanks...im so excited!
5th feb was the earliest that i could make because i have my final exams in jan. But others were given 8th jan and i think 22nd jan.
Good luck:ok:

5th Dec 2006, 20:05
just wondering - does anyone know if the exchange with Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Blue in Australia can turn into a permanent? Or is it strict on 1 year only?


5th Dec 2006, 20:55
KMP When I did the exchange (I went from VB across to VAA for a year) our contracts stated specifically that we could not take up a position with VAA for 12 months after the end of our exchange contract... not sure what the contracts for the VAA guys coming out to us at VB state - although I would imagine it would be similar.


5th Dec 2006, 21:04
fly davy my mate starts on that date, her name is penny. lovely girl. other then that i have no idea who else starts then. it looks like i am one of the only ones from here and cc.com that starts on the 11th of december. (i am so nervous).

6th Dec 2006, 02:45
Thanks Sinala,

I assumed that would be the case. Very Good opportunity anyway.


6th Dec 2006, 08:23
Hi Tonix2003,

Thankyou so much for your reply, I'm really looking forward to meeting you
& your friend Penny. I bet you are so so excited!!!! Are you all prepared??
Do you live close to Gatwick or are you staying near to The Base for the duration of your training??

Hopefully meet you soon,

Thanks Again,


6th Dec 2006, 08:48
sorry to crash the forum, trainee pilot heading to MCO alone from Gatwick on Thursday 7th Dec, Isit worth getting there a little early and sweetly asking to sit up front with those of a more desirable class? :ok:

Thankyou guys and gals


Travelling Ec at the mo!

6th Dec 2006, 09:45
Hey guys i start training on the 8th Jan!! Im still really stuck for accommodation as i am looking on a bit of a budget, B+B's are far to expensive!!! Does anyone have any suggestions or help- i only need to stay for the 6 week training course!! I will feel so much better when i know it is all sorted then i can really look forward to my new life!!!

covent garden man
7th Dec 2006, 08:50
Hi all... I begin my training on 2nd jan...... was going to continue to commute from Covent garden but am beginning to think the commute would be crazy, given the intensive (and exhaustive) nature of the training... not to mention the early mornings !!! Can anyone suggest the best place to stay for easy access to the training Base....... Crawley? Horsham ? I have no idea.....
or.... even better..... anyone know of any specific, not TOO expensive accom in the area? Anyone else beginning on 2nd jan in the same position?

Any help/info will be MUCH appreciated..... [email protected]

cheers........ alan

Cosmic Girl
7th Dec 2006, 09:41
Hi.Congratulations on getting the job :) Best places to stay for your training are Crawley and Horley.The training centre is in Crawley and Horley isnt far away at all! There are plenty of b&b's in the area.Dont know of any off the top of my head but i dont imagine it will be that difficult to find one,seen as there are so many.Good luck :)

7th Dec 2006, 17:06
I finished my training a few weeks for VA and have done my first few flights and loving it! for those that have just started, staying in crawley is recommened as the training courseis very intense and there is loads to do, but its all worth it!! If any of you are struggling to find accomondation, when you go for your uniform fitting theres a notice board full of places to stay and people with rooms to let. Good luck and well done getting into virgin:D

7th Dec 2006, 19:55
Anyone Flying Lgw--mco 11.15am Friday 8th Dec?

7th Dec 2006, 20:37
Looks like you'll be sitting down the back with the working class chaps Capt R, i'm sure they'll be ok & share their fish, chips & mushy peas with you!!!

7th Dec 2006, 22:34
Hi everyone:} Guess what! I got the Job, this was my 2nd attempt as i didnt get the math test first time. I still can't believe it. I start training on the 8th Jan.Does anyone else start on this date? If anyone has any questions on Virgin plz feel free to email me at [email protected] , Virgin are absolutly lovely, no need to feel nervous, they make you so relaxed.And congruts to all of you who got the job:)

7th Dec 2006, 22:36
Does anyone know if all the exams on the training are multipule choice?
For anyone thats finished training and is now flying, actually getting the real experience, please email me and tell me all about it. Thankyou:E

8th Dec 2006, 07:30
Hi there,
i tried to call the number to get the application form. But they never sent it to me. Where i can send my cv and how much is more or less the salary at the beginning and how does the selection work?
Hope some one can help me

8th Dec 2006, 08:48
the salary starts at £10,185 and then you get flight allowance etc on top of that. you cant send them your cv, you will have to call them again and order another application form. as far as i can make out they are very short staffed so you need to keep contacting them.

8th Dec 2006, 09:16
Thank you,
i'll try again and just some other questions: do you know what they ask during the interview? it would be a dream of mine to enter in Virgin.

8th Dec 2006, 09:30
thank you for the information
furthermore do you know how the interview works what they ask you? It my dream to enter in Virgin

I Just Want To Fly
8th Dec 2006, 17:16
Yay!!! Got the Job!!! Thanks to everyone on this forum for their advice.

I start on 15th of Jan, anyone else..? PM me...

8th Dec 2006, 17:26
Yay!!! Got the Job!!! Thanks to everyone on this forum for their advice.

I start on 15th of Jan, anyone else..? PM me...

well done on getting the job! i didnt get the job after passing all the tests and having an interview...they wrote to me and said i was unsuccesful....cant belive it. cant figure why i didnt get it!!! so anoying!

Congrats again and good luck with everything


I Just Want To Fly
8th Dec 2006, 17:57
Thanks for your kind words. Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get in next time!

8th Dec 2006, 18:06
comgratulations "i just want to fly" and also "airhostessdream", my personal friend. with regards to the exams in training i believe they are multiple choice answers but as you no i shall let you no when i start my exams.

8th Dec 2006, 20:15
Hey tonix2003, have you got a sister on another site:ok:

8th Dec 2006, 22:54
Hey 'I just want to fly'
Congratulations on getting into Virgin :D
When did you have your Interview?

9th Dec 2006, 05:26
the salary starts at £10,185 and then you get flight allowance etc on top of that

Does anyone know how much the average estimated take home pay would be including allowences and sector pay etc? (Just an average) It's been quoted before I know, but I just spoke to someone working there and they said a figure a lot less than what I thought plus they said BA pays 18K basic ?? That's not correct is it? I can't believe VS pay THAT MUCH less than BA?:confused:

Any info would be great!

Thanks again!

9th Dec 2006, 07:37
oh hello denzil, do you come here often? lol

9th Dec 2006, 23:04
Can anyone tell me when virgin carry out reference checks do they write or call the four people that you put down as character references? Also do they call or write to your employer for your 5 yr history?

10th Dec 2006, 12:50
Hi All, have learned loads from reading your previous conversations, thanks. I would realy appreciate your thoughts on this - I was offered a job as cabin crew with VA last year but sadly had to turn it down as my circumstances changed. I have thought about it ever since and may try again but have a few niggling questions. I have recently got married and wondered if many cabin crew have husbands/wifes and how the travelling & time away from home affects your relationships. Does your partner often have the opportunity to travel with you?

Also, I am in a very well paid but very dull job at the moment. I am prepared to adjust to a new salary but is it very difficult salary wise when you don't get many flights? How many flights would you do a month for example? :confused: Can anyone tell me what the monthly average pay is?

Thanks for your help - I need to make a decision soon!

10th Dec 2006, 13:22
Well the basic pay for virgin is £10185 which goes up to £11530 after one year. You do a maximum of 6 flights per month (there and back = 1).
On top of your basic pay you earn sector pay for each sector you do which i think is around £18.00 each way. Then you get allowances whilst downroute at you destination which is paid to you cash in hand in local currency while you are there. We were told allowances amount to around £6000 per year.
Hope that helps!:ok:

10th Dec 2006, 13:57
Hi guys

Ive just joined the site. Got my Virgin application form the other day so will send it off hopefully tomorrow & I will keep you guys posted!!


10th Dec 2006, 14:10
Hi everyone,

Im a newbie to this website, just wanted to say hey to all. Is anyone out there starting there training for Virgin on 2nd Jan?

10th Dec 2006, 18:28
Alot of us CC.com on here! LOL

10th Dec 2006, 23:31
hi guys, just after some advice. I've always wanted to be cabin crew since i was about 8 and now im eager to persue my dream. I sent off my application form last friday and the suspense of getting an interview is eating me up! I'm just a little wary on one issue- I'm an asian muslim girl and i stated this in the equal opportunities form they sent me.

Seriously, do u think this may affect my application with all the goings on over the last few years?

I Just Want To Fly
11th Dec 2006, 09:25
VS used to be very fussy about "The Look", but I think they are alot better now. When I was at my recruitment day last week, a group of new entrants came into the crew room, and they were a big mix. Short, tall, fat, slim, blonde, brunette. i think everyone has an equal chance now, it all depends on your personality, the way you perform on the day, and your grooming.

Good luck to you all... Especially my dearest friend REKA!!! Go get em!!


11th Dec 2006, 10:16
See Replying with quotes (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=249532) thread

11th Dec 2006, 11:43
Sumeya, im asian and muslim i went for an interview with virgin 2 weeks ago and got the job. You have nothing to worry about.

11th Dec 2006, 12:56
Sumeya, im asian and muslim i went for an interview with virgin 2 weeks ago and got the job. You have nothing to worry about.

AP..... that has made me feel so much better! did u get the equal opps form to fill out as well?

By the way congratulations on getting the position! ur living my dream- pray for me that i join you soon! This whole process is so exciting yet the most nervewracking phase i've experienced since taking my driving test three years ago! At least with ur driving test it lasts 40 mins- this feels like years!

11th Dec 2006, 14:06
Yes i did have to fill in an equal opportunities form, but believe me they do not care what colour..religion..background you are!
It just depends on how well you perform on the day and how well you answer all their questions at the interview!

Good luck!:ok:

Virgin Boi
12th Dec 2006, 12:18

Please let me assure you that ethnicity, religion, gender, age or sexuality means NOTHING whatsoever to Virgin.

They just want friendly genuine people who are willing to work hard and give great customer service.

Just to let you know, Virgin dont only employ cabin crew in England, we also recruit for the local crew bases in Delhi, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Lagos, Shanghai and Sydney - so as you can imagine, we have crew of all shapes, sizes, colours, religions etc...

12th Dec 2006, 13:52
Probably a silly question but is ok to take someone with you to your uniform fitting as i'm getting a lift so thought it would be abit harsh for them to stay and wait in the car! Wasn't sure if they rather you come alone? Also does anyone know how long it takes? :)

12th Dec 2006, 14:55

Please let me assure you that ethnicity, religion, gender, age or sexuality means NOTHING whatsoever to Virgin.

They just want friendly genuine people who are willing to work hard and give great customer service.

Just to let you know, Virgin dont only employ cabin crew in England, we also recruit for the local crew bases in Delhi, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Lagos, Shanghai and Sydney - so as you can imagine, we have crew of all shapes, sizes, colours, religions etc...

That has really put me at ease. thanks for getting back to me mate! The suspense is so so eating me up though. Sent my application off on Friday last week and not got my postcard back yet. Hoping I'll get it tomorrow. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to get back to you before they do or dont offer you an interview?

12th Dec 2006, 19:52
I am due to retire from my emergency services job in a few years (50 yrs old) what is Virgins policy on employing old wrinklies like me in the Cabin ?

13th Dec 2006, 11:32
Hi , Ive also been a senior for just over a year and working very hard on next promotion also. So when the old competentcies/behaviors were coming to an end I rang my manager and asked what would happen to all my old scores. She said they would be logged at what they finished at and until people have completed 40 flights with the new behaviours scores they would have to combine both old/new scores to establish who to promote.

hope this helps xxx

13th Dec 2006, 12:07
Is it easy to get promoted at VS? Sounds like it takes years and I thought they had quite good promotion prospects? I guess as long as you behave and keep doing your job it happens quicker.

Virgin Boi
13th Dec 2006, 19:01

I doubt it would pose a problem. You will be given a visitor ID which you'll need to display whilst you're in the base. I dont know for sure, but I doubt the lovely ladies on reception would mind giving one to your friend too.

The uniform department is next to the tempory canteen area so your friend will be able to get a coffee whilst he or she waits.

14th Dec 2006, 10:14
Thanks alot for that Virgin Boi, do you know how long the Uniform fitting takes?

Also I dont suppose you know when you can complete the Disclosure checks, it says atleast 3 weeks on the pack info virgin sent me but i'm thinking because of Christmas it may be better to do it now? :confused:

14th Dec 2006, 13:52
has anybody sent off their application form recently? I sent mine off last friday- so a week ago and i still haven't had my postcard back acknowledging receipt.

does anyone know how long it usually takes?

14th Dec 2006, 15:17
Can someone please tell me how many cabin crew operate on a VS 747??

14th Dec 2006, 17:37
lollypop, disclosure checks have to be done 3 weeks before your start date and not before as they are only valid for 10 weeks. I was confused atoo, so i rung up virgin and asked them and thats what they said.

14th Dec 2006, 17:39
Sumeya, you could always give them a call. They'll be able to confirm over the phone if you give them your candidate number.

14th Dec 2006, 20:21
lollypop, disclosure checks have to be done 3 weeks before your start date and not before as they are only valid for 10 weeks. I was confused atoo, so i rung up virgin and asked them and thats what they said.

Hi AP, thanks for that, Im abit worried now as I also called them to ask and they said that it was a good idea to do now, so I completed today!
Aaarrgghh why do they seem to say different things to different people :eek:
Hope it will be ok, I know it takes up to two weeks for the certificate to be sent out so hopefully it will be alright. I start mid Jan so fingers crossed! :)

14th Dec 2006, 20:25
Hey lollypop, now should be fine for you, don't worry, you start in around 4 weeks that should be fine. I start feb 5th so they told me to wait 3 weeks before...:ok:

14th Dec 2006, 20:33
Cool, I can relax now then, got really worried!
Don't you just find you try and get all prepared in plenty of time then you find something out or read something then panic like mad!! :)
Got my uniform fitting next week, I am so excited! he he (bit sad really isnt it!!) ;)

14th Dec 2006, 20:37
Not at all!! I can't wait to go for mine either! Although i dont start training until 5th Feb. Will call them next week to book a day...i shall go armed with a camera! LOL;)

14th Dec 2006, 20:47
Glad it's not just me that is so excited!!
Time will fly by I'm sure, but I just want to start now!!

I Just Want To Fly
15th Dec 2006, 08:16
Anyone know how much pre training work there is to do? i read that I will have to do precourse work, but am going on holidays next week, and will only get back a few days before training starts.


Virgin Boi
15th Dec 2006, 15:59

18 cabin crew out of Heathrow and 16 out of Gatwick on the 747-400.

Emmy Lou
16th Dec 2006, 14:59
Hi 2ndchance,
This is Emmy Lou and I too am in the same position as yourself.
I applied to be an In Flight Beauty Therapist 5 years ago and made it all the way through the interview day but was not offered a position. My circumstances also changed but wanting to join Virgin didn't!
I have just re-applied to be an IFBT and been invited to interview in Jan!
Now, unlike last time, I am married and have a mortgage! I have been lecturing in Beauty Therapy and have been well paid.
Have you found out any info regarding your questions as I was hoping to know a little more before I go to interview but have not had any answers yet!
Hi All, have learned loads from reading your previous conversations, thanks. I would realy appreciate your thoughts on this - I was offered a job as cabin crew with VA last year but sadly had to turn it down as my circumstances changed. I have thought about it ever since and may try again but have a few niggling questions. I have recently got married and wondered if many cabin crew have husbands/wifes and how the travelling & time away from home affects your relationships. Does your partner often have the opportunity to travel with you?

Also, I am in a very well paid but very dull job at the moment. I am prepared to adjust to a new salary but is it very difficult salary wise when you don't get many flights? How many flights would you do a month for example? :confused: Can anyone tell me what the monthly average pay is?

Thanks for your help - I need to make a decision soon!

16th Dec 2006, 16:09
Hi..In regards to pre-training course work for ' I just want to fly' It contains about 12 modules.And the passmark is 88% for each one. You would have to complete it all b4 ur actual training. I know as my friend has done hers. I am still waiting for mines:\ feeling a bit nervous 2. I only hav 3 weeks till i start training. And the pre course work is hard, especially if you haven't been crew b4, it would be all new to ya hun!But i think the good thing is, you can re-take the modules as many times till you pass it. You would read and study a section then be tested on it. Have a nice holiday too, where you off 2 then babe?

16th Dec 2006, 16:13
:confused: Does anyone know how long it takes for Them to send your pre-course work? And how long the ref's process take.I suppose if there is any problems with refs/or medical they will contact you. I havent heard anything..Getting slightly worried.

I Just Want To Fly
16th Dec 2006, 17:17
I'm from Australia. Been flying for about 6 months with EZ @ LGW. Can't wait to mover from Orange to Red. My last flight is in two days, then off home to Oz for Christmas! Woo Hoo!

17th Dec 2006, 08:21
Dear all

I am holding Limited Leave to Remain 2 years Residence Permit that have the right to live and work in the UK but.......

And now I want to apply a cabin crew job in Virgin Atlantic but there is a term confusing me alot, Have the right to live and work in the UK indefinitely and without restriction.

Am I meet that requirment to apply Virgin Atlantic with my Limited Leave to Remain 2 years Residence Permit?

Thanks for you help



17th Dec 2006, 10:09
Hi to anyone

I had my interview on the 12th and have still not heard anything. They said up to 10 days but the wait is killing me. Just asking a bit of advice from anyone who had the interview and did or didn't get through. If you didn't, did you get the letter straight away to put you out of your misery or did they leave it till the 10 days.

I'm so worried as I haven't heard:{

17th Dec 2006, 11:34
Have the right to live and work in the UK indefinitely and without restriction

Hi -- Unfortunately I think "indefinitely" is the key word here.

17th Dec 2006, 11:46
Head in the clouds, I totally know how you feel, when you walk out that interview room you feel a bundle of nerves and start to think my gosh the waiting is going to be agnoy! It is different for everyone, some are written to within 7 to ten days, others are phoned and written to within a few days.I know 6 days seems ages, but just give them till the 21st, if you dont hear anything call them up.With me they phoned me the same day and sent me a letter out the next day to say i'd got it. Some others get the offer letter after 7 days. Fingers crossed 4 u, let me know how it goes hun x

17th Dec 2006, 11:51
'I just want to fly' Have a lovely time. I have always wanted to go to Australia, i hope i will now. Don't worry to much about your pre-course work, as long as your on it toughly as soon as you get back. So how do you find flying so far? Yeeeay...moving over from orange to red. The red wins the battle of them all. Sexiest team..LOL:} x

17th Dec 2006, 13:16
I jus got an acceptance for an Interview on the 4th of Jan! Wooo Hooo! Ive had constant butterflies since receiving my letter yesterday! so so so excited!

Does anybody else have an interview on the same day?

Im thinking of going down the night before and staying over at a hotel coz I live in Leicester and haven't got a car at the minute. Does anybody have any recommendations on any good (but not too expensive!) nearby hotels? oh.... and public transport?

17th Dec 2006, 13:41
hi guys,
after some advice. How strict are virgin on the referencing? I have the details for all my references for the past five years but there is one particular company i just dont wanna put down coz i'm certain they will give me a bad reference. I fell out with the manager and when i left (didn't get sacked) he refused to pay me for about two months through no fault of my own so I used to ring him up and give him abuse on a daily basis demanding to be paid- until he did! I only worked for them for two months and it was during the summer holidays of my university degree.

Do virgin only want to account for all employment gaps? Reason why im asking is because I was still officially a university student at the time so it wasn't really an employment gap.

Somebody please help! I cannot let my ex employer ruin my chances of getting my dream job!

P.S the company was tiny- only had 10 people working in the whole office so they wont have forgotten me!

Emmy Lou
17th Dec 2006, 13:58
Hi All,

I have an interview for In-Flight Beauty Therapist on Jan 4th!!! Anyone else being interviewed on this date???

Emmy Lou
17th Dec 2006, 14:11
:D Congrats on your interview. I to am being interviewed on Jan 4th but for In-Flight Beauty Therapist!
I have been looking at transport/accommodation and have found out that the nearest train station is Gatwick and the Premier Travel Inn Gatwick Central is within walking distance from the station and a budget accommodation option. Alternatively there appears to be a range of smaller B&B/Guest Houses in Crawley.
I hope this helps with your planning!

17th Dec 2006, 15:49
Head_ in the_clouds i had my interview on the 27th nov.
One of the others found out 2 days letter she got the job. I waited for 8 days and nothing so i rang them up and they told me over the phone i had got the job but they had run out of contracts. I finally got my contract through in the post 10 days later!!! So don't worry everyone hears at different times. I know exactly how you feel! But sometimes no news is good news!

17th Dec 2006, 15:51
wannabeAvirgin, Virgin don't do the referencing themselves, an outside company does it but to get your airside pass you must state your every move in the past 5 years, employment and education wise. This applies not just to cabin crew but anyone wishing to work at the airport. BAA are very strict on this.

17th Dec 2006, 16:51
Cheers guys

I really enjoyed the day and feel like the interview went really well. More like a friendly chat. I think that is a good sign that it went well but we'll see. You never know what they want so I'll let you know. Hopefully the large letter will arrive tomorrow or if its small I'll ignore it hehe. Oh I'm going mad, roll on tomorrow. Everyday I wait for the post and wish for the next day when it doesn't arrive, so I haven't even realised Xmas is nearly here. Well keeping fingers crossed.

Anyone with an interview coming up, be warned, the wait after is horrible and harder than the interview hehe. Good Luck and the recruitment team are really nice.

17th Dec 2006, 19:18
You can just put Uni down to cover that part of your career, you don't need to tell VS that you worked for that bad employer.

Also BAA are more interested that the dates are covered for the full 5 years rather than particular information. If this employer did give you a bad reference you can sue them for defamation.

Good luck.

17th Dec 2006, 20:04
You can just put Uni down to cover that part of your career, you don't need to tell VS that you worked for that bad employer.

Also BAA are more interested that the dates are covered for the full 5 years rather than particular information. If this employer did give you a bad reference you can sue them for defamation.

Good luck.

r3please..... do u work for virgin at the minute? This thing has been stressing me out so much. You know when you really really want something and you end up analysing every single obstacle that could possibly interfere? Thats what I'm doing at the minute- the most awful feeling in the world. I was only in the position for two months as well. Surely this cant jeopardise my chances could it?

Oh and I know I could sue the company if worst comes to worst but I really want this job. I dont want to take the risk of getting a bad reference even if i can sue.

If I did put it down whats the chances of them checking up (if my position there was only two months long)? Do they check up every single reference of employment or a selected few- ones which u were employed with longer? This job was like two and a half years ago and I cant believe that a bad working relationship could have such a serious impact on your career- even though its through no fault of your own. My current employer who Ive been with for 1 and a half years will give me a fantastic reference but my mind will not rest thinking about my ex employer.

17th Dec 2006, 20:56
Hi 'wannabeAvirgin' Welcome to the forum:} When does your training start? Im also having that problem of worrying of referencing. I was in a job for 2 weeks, but i walked out the job after that period, I got paid though, but i did not even let them know i left, this was Due to personal issues. I am not sure how the referencing works, but i do know these days employers are not allowed to give you a bad reference, it has to at least be satisfactory. I think they would more be concerned that all gaps are consolidated for and the jobs that are longest. Dont worry, you and i can just sit patiently and wait. Ps: what part of London ru from? Im from north west.:)

18th Dec 2006, 12:26
Hi im Lucy
I have an interview for virgin atlantic early next year and was wondering what i should wear to the interview. I have heard that first impressions count and therefore would appreciate your advise guys.

hugs Lucy:O

18th Dec 2006, 12:55
Not that this link will help you with what to wear, but this is a decent source of info:


However, if it were me (as a bloke) I'd wear a suit, shirt and tie and a sensible pair of black shoes. For a woman, I guess something like a trouser suit or a skirt and jacket + blouse type thing. But that's just my opinion.

Good luck Lucy. Just out of interest, is it pilot you're going for or cabin crew?

18th Dec 2006, 13:38
Lucy, there is a link called "Interview questions from hell" which I I have been on recently. In there is a good 4 page arguement about exactly your question (It's around about Page 5). I found it invaluable and quite entertaining. Scroggs gets involved quite a bit and there are also some helpful interview techniques highlighted as well as a surreal but very funny arguement about a tie.

Best of luck:ok: