View Full Version : any US airline to VIENNA

24th Aug 2006, 17:12

Any US airline plan to fly to VIENNA in 2007?
Thanks you information.

Have a nice day,


chandlers dad
24th Aug 2006, 22:40
Not to be difficult but have you tried searching the internet?

Austrian, American, Air Lingus, Air France... All fly to Wien. If it has to be American (and you really like poor service) Delta, Continental, NorthWest and so on. All the majors go there.

Found over 50 flights from JFk (New York) to Wien by doing a quick search.

25th Aug 2006, 00:25
Maybe Patrick was wondering about flying out of a particular US city? Not that the internet wouldn't have helped there too.

25th Aug 2006, 08:59

I mean non-stop flights to Vienna from a US carrier.
or something.

chandlers dad
25th Aug 2006, 17:17

Please go on the internet and take a look.

In the time it took you to post your second post, you can go to www.travelocity.com and it will give you the same thing I found, over 50 flights to the states.

All the airlines I mentioned above fly from Austria to the states.