View Full Version : Pilot attitude

20th Aug 2006, 14:40
I am hoping that someone would help me out on this....
1.What attitude should a pilot really have?Should he be friendly(as in having a lot of friends),or should he be highly sociable or should he just have the no-nonsense attitude(as in why do the hell I care if I know him or not,I'm just here to do my job)?
2.Is 'pulling rank' a good attitude for the cockpit environment?(As far as I know,'pulling rank' means doing whatever to gain promotion.I'm not sure whether I'm right or not but pls correct me if it's wrong)
Thanks everyone......:ok:

Left Wing
21st Aug 2006, 08:17
'pulling rank' are you kidding have you ever heard of CRM...gone are the old school days of this kind of crap...be nice to young pilots and cabin crew..

Young guys will may be even have beer with you at lay overs..and cabin crew will not spit in your coffee !

22nd Aug 2006, 01:45
mate i think you must see your shrink very fast and get out of the cockpit even faster...
but then again... i think you are not the only one with this problem... just try to be rude as hell to everyone and you will fit right in with the rest..

25th Aug 2006, 13:22
'pulling rank' are you kidding have you ever heard of CRM...gone are the old school days of this kind of crap...be nice to young pilots and cabin crew..

Young guys will may be even have beer with you at lay overs..and cabin crew will not spit in your coffee

Hi leftwing,
Sorry I've never heard of CRM...Would it be possible for you to explain more about it?Well actually I'm not whom you think I am,I'm still not in the cockpit yet...well not for now....Most would call people like me a 'wannabe' i guess...Well my posting was meant for me to get some understanding on the atmosphere in the cockpit....And was my definition about 'pulling rank' correct??thanks:ok:

mate i think you must see your shrink very fast and get out of the cockpit even faster...
but then again... i think you are not the only one with this problem... just try to be rude as hell to everyone and you will fit right in with the rest..

Hi iceglider,
Like I've mentioned above,i'm still not in the cockpit yet....So are you trying to say that we should be rude to all the crew?:confused:

Thanks again:ok:

25th Aug 2006, 17:28
First bit of advice I was given when converting to the VC10 over 20 years ago.

"Never upset anyone who can either tiddle in your coffee or might buy you a beer down route!"

It's as true today as it was then.

Today it's called CRM. Twenty years ago, it was called common sense!:ok:

25th Aug 2006, 21:28
Bananas How very true and now a huge Empire has spawned under the banner of CRM.

26th Aug 2006, 00:18
Nice one Bananas!! I agree:D

26th Aug 2006, 02:55
"Pulling rank" means using your superior rank (say, four stripes) to overrule, lord it over, browbeat, etc. your underlings (three and two stripes) and generally throw your weight around.
CRM = Cockpit Resource Management. You can look it up on Google.
Best wishes.
Rockhound (not a wannabe, just an interested observer)

Dream Land
26th Aug 2006, 04:10
Ghostrider, over the years of analyzing accidents it was evident that the intimidating captain atmosphere was not in the best interest of aviation safety, crew members afraid to challenge the captain's authority dying needlessly. In the advent of the two pilot flight crew it is much more imperative that both pilots have a say in how the aircraft is operated, the training for it is called CRM, cockpit resource management started by United Airlines. This system teaches people and management skills.

26th Aug 2006, 05:50

CRM....Hmm...now that's something new to be added up into my vocabulary...Rockhound and dreamland,thanks for the info and correction.:ok:

Thanks everyone..............