View Full Version : Aircraft wanted for Playgroup !

16th Aug 2006, 16:05
"Aircraft wanted for Playgroup !"

Well thats the request i got the other day! Years ago i was an engineer at Southend, and someone has unfortunatly remembered :ugh: Anyway a friend of my wife runs a group for under privaledged children ( Ages 5 - 13 )in Mid Essex. They have asked me if it is possible to get hold of a "real" aeroplane for there outdoor activity centre, they are of course talking about something the size of a Cessna 150 with or without wings, i guess the cockpit lump is the important bit. Condition does not matter as i have been elected to sort that out and make it safe etc :oh:

So if any engineers out there know of any hulks going cheap or dare i say free, please would you be so kind as to let me know. I can arrange transport as long as its not miles away from us here in Essex.

Thanks for your time !


21st Aug 2006, 21:57
Jamie one possible source may be Paul Nelson at panshanger i believe, he is an Aircraft breaker and after they are stripped of useful spares he must have the odd hulk left about, will sort out a phone number for you if needed..


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/A-REAL-Robinson-R22-Helicopter-for-simulator_W0QQitemZ250020971171QQihZ015QQcategoryZ2983QQrdZ1 QQcmdZViewItem

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FIGHTER-JET_W0QQitemZ160021357123QQihZ006QQcategoryZ32635QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Beagle-Pup-Cockpit-Section-would-make-a-great-Simulator_W0QQitemZ120022429270QQihZ002QQcategoryZ2983QQrdZ1 QQcmdZViewItem

21st Aug 2006, 22:18
Thanks Nutloose that would be great, i will have a look at the links also.

Genghis the Engineer
22nd Aug 2006, 11:00
There's a reasonably shiny PA38 at Chilbolton (Stonefield Park) airfield in Hampshire, which last I looked had an intact airframe and gear, but had been robbed of anything vaguely valuable or useful.

I don't know anything about it's ownership, but the airfield management is in Pooleys and it might be worth asking the question - it may be that somebody would be glad to get rid of it; certainly I doubt anybody would want to fly any of it again after it flew uncommanded (complete with concrete blocks) over three hedges and a public road in a gale a couple of years ago (thus possibly demonstrating the best climb rate ever seen from a Tomahawk).

Last I was there, there was also the remnants of a PA28 fuselage that had been robbed for parts behind one of the hangars at Old Sarum. Presumably if you spoke to Old Sarum Engineering they'd know if it was still wanted or not.


23rd Aug 2006, 09:56
That would be Paul Nalson at Caterham

01883 340062

23rd Aug 2006, 10:59
That's the one :\ ahhh must be age creeping up on me :)