View Full Version : Afghanistan Information

15th Aug 2006, 17:32
I'm headed to Afghanistan to fly as an FO for Dynamic Aviation in a King Air 200. Does anyone have helpful advice, or comments on flying in Afghanistan or in the surrounding area? Tips and pointers on airstrips or nav-aids in AFG are welcome as well.

17th Aug 2006, 11:46
Great place. Dynamic'll probably give you all the info when you get here, so don't stress too much.:ok:

17th Aug 2006, 12:09
Hey wander....

Use to know a few guys who flew there. And also one of my close friend who flew there, had shown me some cool pix!!! absolutely stunning :eek: place to fly!!! wish i was there at some point!!! The guy even had a nose wheel (B200)collapse on him while landing on the makeshift runway.
This would be the wrong forum to ask for the info:ugh: . The best is African, where South African chaps fly on contract for Red Cross!! in fact, i think at the moment there are 3 capts and 2 co pilots.

Good luck and cheers!!!:ok:

mr. vicodan
17th Aug 2006, 16:43
Is Joe F. still around?

17th Aug 2006, 21:16
proflyer9, I'm in West Africa right now with Sahel Aviation Service, based in Bamako. Yes, it's tons of fun.

mr. vicodan, I don't know, I'm not there yet.

19th Aug 2006, 03:19
Flew in Afghanistan earlier this year on extended subservice for Ariana Airlines.

Kabul was giving us radar vectors for the approaches and ATC, enroute anyway, was ok. Yanks doing most of the work.

Watch out for the Kabul tower and ground guys. On one takeoff, in low visibility I was casually requested to "stop" my takeoff". I did, at about 80 kts, and as taxiing to an exit from the runway, saw an airport vehicle parked in the middle of the runway with this really "intelligent looking local" staring at me. Never was explained. Locals run the tower and ground control, at least when I was there.

Appeared to me, that downtown Kabul was a death trap for wondering around.

RON'nd at a nice hotel called the Kabul Serena. Very good standard but the security is a joke as the barrier gate at the entrance is about 20 meters from the front of the glass front lobby. Rooms with "picture size windows" are facing the various streets around the hotel so keep the curtains pulled if you stay there, or don't, your choice.

The real thrill is the van ride from the hotel to airport and back. Much traffic in downtown Kabul and lots of "open security". Souvenirs are short also.

Good luck and watch your own personal security.

25th Aug 2006, 05:46
Try this link for all latest procedures


Has latest AIP etc ;)


21st Sep 2006, 18:43

Wear a flak jacket! : >)


18th Nov 2007, 14:23
For all of you guys who want to see some pictures try my website:


and/or my youtube movies of flying there:

